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MINDS ON video Watch the following PSA Identify the TOPIC Identify the MAIN IDEA What is the difference? video
WRITING A MAIN IDEA Writing a MAIN IDEA involves identifying what the author says about the topic Student prompt: State a main idea of this selection and provide one specific detail from the selection that supports it. There are 6 lines to write. Write 4 sentences. It involves choosing and relaying ONLY the most important part of what you read.
MAIN + THREE HOW TO WRITE A MAIN IDEA Main – Determine what the main idea of the text is Three – Find three specific relevant details from the text that support your main idea
HOW TO WRITE A MAIN IDEA Sentence 1 The main idea of the article is… Specific detail taken directly from the text Sentence 3 Sentence 4 *Details must support YOUR main idea
WHERE TO FIND THE MAIN IDEA? The FIRST or SECOND sentence Read the entire article Re-read the first two sentences Select a main idea Highlight or underline 3 specific details in the (numbers, dates, places, facts) *If there are NOT three details to support your main idea, pick a new main idea
TIPS FOR WRITING A MAIN IDEA DO NOT include personal opinion or thoughts. Details MUST come directly from the article. Write in complete sentences.
REVIEW AND MODEL Read the article “In 2006, the Canadian Museum of Civilization … ” Practice identifying main idea and specific supporting details
REVIEW AND MODEL Sample reading that teacher uses to model process of completing graphic organizer and writing a MAIN IDEA
What is the main idea of this article? The Canadian Museum of Civilization is a uniquely shaped building in Quebec The Canadian Museum of Civilization is one of the most visited museums in the world The Canadian Museum of Civilization holds a collection of items representing Canadian heritage The artifacts found in the Canadian Museum of Civilization can not be found in other museum collections
There may be more than one way to write the main idea There may be more than one way to write the main idea. Either of the following are correct: The Canadian Museum of Civilization is one of the most visited museums in the world The Canadian Museum of Civilization holds a collection of items representing Canadian heritage
We need 3 supporting details to back up the main idea We need 3 supporting details to back up the main idea. Re-read the text and underline or highlight three specific details that support the main idea. The Canadian Museum of Civilization is one of the most visited museums in the world
Example - Main Idea: The Canadian Museum of Civilization is one of the most visited museums in the world Choose 3 supporting details from the choices below: The Canadian Museum of Civilization celebrated its 150th birthday in 2006 The first exhibits were created in 1856 There are nearly 1.4 million visitors each year People can learn about Canadian heritage Did you highlight any of these details? If yes, which ones The visitors come to see the artifacts and the building itself 10 million people visit the museum’s website every year
Write your answer using the information directly taken from the article. The Canadian Museum of Civilization is one of the most frequently visited museums in the world There are nearly 1.4 million visitors each year 10 million people visit the museum’s website every year The visitors come to see the artifacts and the building itself
CHECKLIST FOR MAIN IDEA Content Main idea is correctly stated (The main idea of this selection is …) 3 details directly related to the main idea 3 details are specific (numbers, facts, etc) Does not include personal opinion Organization Transition words (firstly, secondly, lastly) Does it sound right? Complete sentences
ACTION Task # 1 Read the article about Hurricanes on page 5 Complete the main idea on page 7 Task #2 Go back and complete the multiple choice questions on page 6 Review the strategies you learned last week.
CONSOLIDATION Review the checklist and make sure you did everything! Academic – switch with a peer Applied – talk through it
Page 6 B D A C
CODE 30 The response provides a correct main idea (Naming Atlantic Basin hurricanes have varied over time) with specific and relevant details (On September 13, 1876, the day of San Felipe, …50 years later) to support it.
CODE 20 The response provides a correct main idea (Hurricanes are named different things over time) with vague detail (they have to give a different name to it). The reader needs to make the connection between the main idea and the details. The last sentence contains inaccurate information (have to use all the letters of the alphabet).
CODE 10 The response provides only a correct main idea from the selection (naming hurricanes has become a challenge). The last sentence restates the main idea.