11B verbs + to + infinitive: want to, need to, etc. I want to find a new job. You need to practise every day. When did you learn to play the guitar? Would you like to be famous? • Many verbs are followed by a verb in the infinitive with to. • These include: want, need, learn, promise, decide, plan, and hope.
11B verbs + to + infinitive: want to, need to, etc. would like to • I would like to = I want to (now or in the future). • Contractions: ’d = would; wouldn’t = would not. • Use the infinitive with to after would like. I would like to learn. NOT I would like learn. • Remember you can also use Would you like…? to offer: Would you like a drink? ! would like and like I’d like to dance. = I want to dance. I like dancing. = I enjoy it; I like it in general.