Presentation on the Drigg and Carleton Community Led Plan
Action plan delivered or superseded Produced in 2008 Action plan delivered or superseded Raised platform Interpretation signs at beach Back in 2008 Drigg and Carleton Parish Council produced a Parish Plan. The actions identified within it had either been delivered or superseded. There were many achievements which stemmed form that plan including _ Improvements to the accessibility at Drigg station Provision of access improvements to the beach, including the provision of interpretation panels. Through working with the LLWR traffic movements were idientified as a key issue but by working with the LLWR there has been a reduction in traffic movements through the Parish. Just a few examples…. Reduced transport movements through the village
Steering Group Drigg and Carleton Parish Council Low Level Waste Repository GRAHAM Construction NSG Ltd. Agreed plan to deliver plan Timetable Consultation plan Communications The Parish Council held further discussions and concluded that a further plan was needed. They wanted to ensure there was local businesses involved and approached LLWR who then engaged their framework partners GRAHAM and NSG. Initial work included devising a plan to deliver the plan. It included a timetable What consultation was needed and also what further communications might be needed.
Parish survey carried out in May 2015 NO QUESTION ANSWER 1) What do you like about the Parish of Drigg and Carleton? 2) What don’t you like about the Parish of Drigg and Carleton? 3) What would you change about the Parish of Drigg and Carleton? 4) Hallsenna Holmrook Drigg Carleton Stubble Green Saltcoats This very short survey was aimed at informing the structure of a much broader questionnaire about the parish of Drigg and Carleton in order to develop a community led plan for the parish. It was the first step in a number of activities undertook over many months. Early in ~May last year a short survey was carried out which simply asked three questions :- What people liked about Drigg and Carleton? What don’t they like? What would they change? To further help they were asked to indicate what area the lived to see if different locations had different needs. We then went door to door collecting them.
Views were sought on the results of the initial survey Drigg Gala Day – June 2015 This was followed up by attending the Drigg Gala Day where we asked people if they agreed with the areas raised or if they had anything else to add. Proved a very useful day and a lot of views were collected. Views were sought on the results of the initial survey
Topics Identified Environment Transport / Roads Economy Community Parish Council / Drigg Charity We then took all the information gathered and it became evident that topics were emerging. These covered the areas of :- Environment Transport / Roads Economy Community Parish Council / Drigg Charity
Community Led Plan questionnaire July / August 2015 The information was all gathered and was translated into a full blown questionnaire, that was available both in hard format an on line. All households in the Parish received a hard copy. The questionnaire was more detailed and encouraged the responder to specifically identify areas they were satisfied with and importantly ones where they would like to see improvements or change.
240 questionnaires sent out Local business targeted Results 240 questionnaires sent out Local business targeted 33% return rate (21 on line, 57 hard copies) Vast majority of feedback was positive Production of the plan Each household has received a copy Copies sent out to stakeholders and partners Respondents had approx 1 month to respond and we had a 33% return rate. This was seen as quite a good return and was more than enough to give the Parish the confidence that what was identified was important. Worth noting the vast majority of feedback was very positive . All this went into the final production of the plan which was just posted out recently to all residents with further copies sent out to partners and stakeholders.
Action plans Action plans for each topic were identified and it is these which are the most important part. And these will be reported against on an annual basis at the Parish Council annual meeting. The Parish council has a good record of delivery judging by the 2008 plan and with support I am sure they can deliver again these priorities.