COMPASS Overview Noon, Wednesday, June 21, 2017 Hough Hall, Room 338
Campus-wide Modernization Program to Advance Student Services Will update, standardize and upgrade information processes and systems Improve user experience for students, faculty and staff Offer innovations and abilities in the student information system and areas such as constituent relationship management, learning ecosystem, master data management and governance, reporting and analytics, and ONE.UF and myUFL portals
Our Destination: The Connected Campus Students Parents Alumni Faculty & Staff Corporations Prospects Donors ONE.UF System of Engagement Community Recruitment Student Success Advancement System of Intelligence Record Analytics Master Data Management and Data Governance SIS Housing HCM Financial Aid LMS Degree Audit GL Meal Plans Payroll
COMPASS Releases Follows student lifecycle. Functionality releases across myUFL, ONE.UF, Enterprise Reporting & Analytics, and CRM Release Functionality Go-Live Date 1 Graduate/Professional Supplemental/UF Online Application, Academic Structure, Biographical/Demographic Data, Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) Phase 2 Prospecting and Recruiting College of Engineering Pilot Aug. 7, 2017 2 Course Catalog, Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) Loads, Transfer Credit Evaluation Nov. 6, 2017 3 ISIR Processing, Career/Program/Plan Stack (Major/Minor), Holds Jan. 16, 2018 4 Degree Audit, Registration Prep, Award Aid, Schedule of Classes March 5, 2018 5 Registration, Enrollment Verification March 26, 2018 6 Tuition Calculation, Student Billing, Admissions Processing Aug. 6, 2018 7 Grades, Transcripts, Aid Disbursement, Graduation, Master Data Management (personal data) Aug. 20, 2018
Training and Change Management Guides, online toolkits, and group and/or online courses on new and enhanced systems and procedures Classic change management functions (inform, engage, prepare and integrate) needed for each release and for every important aspect of each release
Change Cycle There are many different models of the stages of change and representations for what we experience, the type of feelings and the effects on our cognition. Earlier we saw a roller-coaster like graph to represent change. Here the cycle is captured in a circle. Regardless of the graphic, the experiences are similar: Initially, we’re likely to feel a sense of loss, be cautious or a bit afraid. We often move toward skepticism or resentment. “I don’t like this. Why do I have to do this? We tried this before 10 years ago.” We can become anxious and confused. “I’m not going to know how to do this. I’ll make mistakes. This takes too long. I have to think through every single step.” With some time and patience, we can find that things are becoming more familiar and we start to feel some excitement and energy again. The new way starts making sense, clicking. We become more confident and get our focus back until the new becomes the norm. Or, if things don’t go well, we might fall backwards from discomfort into more feelings of loss and become paralyzed and stuck. We don’t want that.
Broad Approaches General audiences: Milestones, need to prepare and train, and pending developments. Students may be interested in changes in ONE.UF look and feel, how they access information, and new options End Users need to know system changes impacting how data is entered and available and need for and availability of training IT/Technical staff at every level should be informed, trained and prepared to engage and offer support and address areas of concern
Communications COMPASS Website: Includes request form for topical, area and/or experiential roadshow presentations and sections on training, and communications and support COMPASS Update: Distributed monthly to program participants, IT administrators and staff, and a self-submitted address list (sign up on website) Stakeholder engagement: Committees, COMPASS teams and working groups, presentations and training Other: UF’s established communication channels (publications, listserves, social media)
Questions? Email Online at Debra Amirin, Ben Markus,