Engage – Annual Learning and Teaching Conference Anglia Ruskin University Employability of Students’ and Graduates Dr Heike Behle, LEGACY, Warwick Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick 26 June 2018
What is employability?
Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) Aspect of Quality Areas of teaching and learning quality Teaching Quality (TQ) Learning Environment (LE) Student Outcomes and Learning Gain (SO) Core Metrics Teaching on my course (NSS) Assessment and feedback (NSS) Academic support (NSS) Continuation (HESA) Employment/ further study (DLHE) Highly-skilled employment/ further study (DLHE)
For each aspect one post-it. Employ Ability Activity: Please note down ALL aspects that will enhance students’ and graduates’ employability. For each aspect one post-it.
Employability Framework Individual aspects Enabling Support Factors Individual circumstances Labour Market
How can employability of students and graduates be enhanced?
Employability Framework Individual aspects Enabling Support Factors Individual circumstances Labour Market
Limitations of HE Individual aspects e.g. health Enabling Support Factors e.g. lack of participation Individual circumstances e.g. caring responsibilities Labour Market e.g. LM demand, training possibilities
Responsibility for employability Career Service State HEI Academic Departments Employer Individual
Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) Reasons for implementing Help students find information about what and where to study Raise esteem for teaching Recognise and reward excellent teaching Narrow the gap between the skills, knowledge and competencies students gain and the needs of employers, business, industry and the professions
Take home Messages Gaining Sustaining progressing Employability = ability to gain, sustain and progress in graduate employment. Employability is not the same as employment rate. Employability is more than employability skills.
Final remarks Follow me on @HeikeBehle Heike.Behle@warwick.ac.uk For further information www.legacy.ac.uk The LEGACY employability briefing can be downloaded here http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/aro/dar/quality/legacy/hp-contents/employability_behle_h_uow_2016.pdf