Multilingual websites and thesauri MINERVAPLUS WP3 Multilingual websites and thesauri 2018.12.01.
Objectives Mapping the multilingual access to the cultural content Identifying multilingual thesauri Sharing the best practices 2018.12.01.
Methodology Compiling a questionnaire Identifying contact persons from each country Creating a website for the online data collection, and for the results FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT 2018.12.01.
Target audience Cultural institutions Libraries Museums Archives Others Cultural sites 2018.12.01.
Participation 236 ONLINE ANSWERS FROM 21 STATES 2018.12.01.
Participation 2 4 offline summaries from: The Netherlands Poland Russia Slovakia 2018.12.01.
Institutions 2018.12.01.
Multilingual websites Monolingual 71 30.1% Bilingual 102 43.2 % Multilingual websites: in 3 languages 36 15.3 % in 4 languages 15 6.4 % in 5 languages 4 1.7 % in 6 languages 3 1.3 % in 7 languages 1 0.4 % in 9 languages 3 1.3 % in 34 languages 1 0.4 % 2018.12.01.
Controlled vocabularies 31 registered thesauri from Austria 1 Hungary 6 Italy 13 The Netherlands 1 The United Kingdom 10 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT 2018.12.01.
Following actions Data processing Dissemination of findings Supervising the answers Analysing the results Identifying the best practices Dissemination of findings 2018.12.01.
Thanks for your cooperation! Gabriella Szalóki Iván Rónai 2018.12.01.