Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. 12/1/2018 Title: Anat & Phys 11/6/06 Objectives: To prepare to assess knowledge of the skeletal system and learn about the nervous system. Class Topics Review for Skeletal System Test Nervous System Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt Saturday, December 01, 2018 9:07 PM
Class Assignments Skeletal System Test 11/8/06 Due this class period 12/1/2018 Class Assignments What By When Skeletal System Test 11/8/06 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
Nervous System Divisions Central Nervous System (CNS) 12/1/2018 Nervous System Divisions Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain & Spinal Cord all sensory impulses arrive here all motor impulses originate here Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) all nerves outside of CNS cranial nerves - from brain 12 pairs spinal nerves - from spinal cord
PNS 2 divisions somatic (voluntary) autonomic (involuntary) 12/1/2018 PNS 2 divisions somatic (voluntary) sensory and motor autonomic (involuntary) sympathetic used during stressful times injury, strenous physical activity, etc parasympathetic used during normal functioning
Nerve Tissue Neurons Neuroglia nerve cells 12/1/2018 Nerve Tissue Neurons nerve cells Neuroglia support and maintain neurons
Neuroglia (Figure 9-2) Astrocytes - CNS - control blood flow 12/1/2018 Neuroglia (Figure 9-2) Astrocytes - CNS - control blood flow ependymal cells - CNS - form CSF Microglia - CNS - used to clean Oligodendrocytes - CNS - used to speed up action potentials Schwann cells - found in PNS - aids in conduction of action potential and helps large neurons
Neuron Parts Cell body Dendrites Axon 12/1/2018 Cell body cytoplasm, nucleus (with nucleolus), and organelles organelles including Nissl bodies (like RER) and lacking mitotic spindles Dendrites numerous conduct action potential towards cell body Axon single conduct action potential away from cell body Neuron Parts