Unit 3 Ancient Greece/Rome Greece Chapter 5 Unit 3 Ancient Greece/Rome
Geography Balkan Peninsula – mainland Surrounded by Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Crete Sailors, fisherman, traders Mountains separate mainland No unity among peoples Leads to great city-states
First Peoples 2000 B.C. Minoans Volcano eruption/tidal waves King Minos Palace homes had running water Frescoes Paintings made on wet plaster walls Sculptures Volcano eruption/tidal waves destroy lands and weakens Minoan civilization
1600 – 1200 B.C. Mycenaeans 800 – 700 B.C. City-states form Polis Mainland Greece Conquer Minoans on Crete Warring tribes 800 – 700 B.C. City-states form Polis Fort in center City grew up around fort along with surrounding land Separated by economic and political competition
Homeric Age 1000 B.C. – 700 B.C. Epics – long poem about heroes and great events Homer – blind poet, wrote oral stories down Iliad – Trojan War Paris of Troy falls in love with Helen and takes her back to city of Troy… Odyssey – after Trojan War, Odysseus
Religion Wanted it to explain three things 1. nature: thunder, lightning, 2. emotions that caused people to lose self-control 3. believed it could bring certain benefits such as long life, good harvests, good luck Life after death neither punishment or reward Myth – traditional stories about gods, goddesses, heroes Oracles – spoke for the Gods Olympic Games held every 4 years in honor of Zeus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuyus6NpfK4
Government Kings to wealthy land owners to nobles that overthrow the King Aristocracies Ruled city-states Privileged social class, wealthiest landowners Controlled all aspects of society Military Economy Government
600 B.C. 500 B.C. Athens Sparta Hoplites Tyrants Non aristocratic soldier, infantry Demanded more say in daily government 500 B.C. Tyrants Illegally take power but supported by the people Athens Democracy – government in which citizens take part Sparta Aristocracy rule or King’s rule
SPARTA Located on Peloponnesus isolated, mountainous city located in valley
Society: Equals Half-citizens Helots Descendants from 1st invaders Controlled city-state Land divided equally Half-citizens Free, paid taxes, served in Army No political power Farm, trade industry Helots Slaves, hated Spartans Outnumbered first two classes Fear of uprising from Helots established military society
Government Two kings Council of Elders Assembly 1 led army 1 took care of home when army away Council of Elders 28 males citizens over age 60 Wealthy aristocrats Assembly All male citizens over age 30 Ephors made sure King stayed within laws Controlled education
Life: MILITARY MACHINE EXAMINED AT BIRTH Unhealthy babies left to die 7 YEARS OLD TAKEN from home Military and education 20-60 SERVED IN MILITARY Girls received physical training so they would be fit to have babies All received musical training for discipline and coordination
ATHENS Attica peninsula Sea traders Coined money Built city inland surrounded by fort
Athenian society 1. Citizens 2. Metics 3. Slaves Aristocrats or poor farmers Athenian-born males Controlled government 2. Metics Merchants, artisans Free, paid taxes, no political voice 3. Slaves Natural, necessary Peoples captured in war
Government King Aristocracy – citizens who owned land held office Assembly – all adult male citizens DRACO - tyrant first written code of law Everyone equal under the law Harsh, severe – Draconian
Cleisthenes Founder of Athenian Democracy Divided Athens into 10 tribes Council of Five Hundred 50 men from each tribe Served one year terms Direct Democracy All citizens directly participate in decision making Representative Democracy is used in United States Elects representatives to govern in our place 507 BC
Athens, Age of Pericles, 495-429 BC Athens reaches peak of its power Great orator, honest Extended reforms of Cleisthenes Constructed Parthenon All male citizens (except lower class) Can hold public office Paid sailors Chosen by lot, no advantage for rich
Education Value on literacy and education Sons sent to school Stressed sound mind/healthy body Grammar, music, gymnastics, track & field Sophists- opened schools for older boys, taught: Government Math Ethics – good/bad, moral duty Rhetoric – study of debate and public speaking
Military 18 years old – males receive 1 year military training Wealthy could become Hoplite Poor served on Army’s flanks Citizens rowed warships of Navy Phalanx – soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder in a line
WARS OF GREECE PERSIAN WARS Battle of Marathon- 490 BC Series of wars between Persia, Athens and Sparta Battle of Marathon- 490 BC Outnumbered, Miltiades and Athenians defeat Persians on Attica Peninsula Sends messenger 25 miles to inform city Birth of modern marathon
Wars of Greece, cont. Battle of Thermopylae – 480 BC Greek city-states unite against Persia, Xerxes Spartans chose narrow pass in Northern mountains called Thermopylae 300 Spartans under King Leonidas and 6000 other Greeks fight an army of 100,000 Persians Held pass for 3 days before defeat Boosted morale of Greece, vowed not to surrender Athens Navy defeats Xerxes White lettered clip show first 10 minutes Black lettered clip only show 2 min. 45 sec. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2hJ5d0dPb8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdNn5TZu6R8
Wars of Greece, cont. Peloponnesian War – 431-404 BC Lasts off and on for 27 years Truces followed by fighting Alliances Under Pericles, Athenians flee inside city walls In the end, Persia aids Sparta, Athens Navy conquered Athens, starving, surrenders