Warm up Five Minutes of Silence Name Three Cultural differences between Native Americans and The Spanish
New World Rivalry 8th Grade
Recap:Spain The Three G’s Spanish Missions Goal: Explore and Conquer Gold God Glory Spanish Missions Barrier Islands Goal: Explore and Conquer
The Boys Are Back in Town
France & england
Great Britain (England) Reasons for Exploration: Religious persecution Population Surplus Economic Possibility
Religious Persecution England was divided into 2 Religious Groups Catholic and Protestant
With England’s Population on the rise, problems began to rise as well. Too Many People With England’s Population on the rise, problems began to rise as well. Lack of Space Spread of Disease Job Concerns
Economic Opportunity Columbian Exchange Colonization Bountiful land
France Trade was the main focus for French Exploration Needed the money Recently obtain colonies in Canada
Money in Fur The French were the first Europeans to began an economic relationship with the Native Americans Animal Fur was a luxury good The trade of fur was revolutionary