Peer Teach Starter You should all have information on the good and bad qualities of either Henry VII or Henry VIII from your Homework you will now pair up and teach each other about your king. In 5 minutes I will be selecting 5 people at random to tell me what their partner taught them. 5 minutes
Title: How bloody was Bloody Mary? 01 December 201801 December 201801 December 2018 Title: How bloody was Bloody Mary? Learning Objective: To judge whether Mary deserves her nickname. Learning Outcomes: Good: You need to be able to describe an interpretation, and judge whether you agree with it. Great: You need to be able to begin to explain reasons to support or reject an interpretation, and begin to explain others. Awesome: You need to be able to explain one reason to support and reject an interpretation. You need to give a supported judgement.
Homework Your Homework is to produce a revision resource on the topics we have covered so far on the Tudors. Henry and his wives Henry’s divorce and the break from Rome Religious rollercoaster Bloody Mary You can present your revision resource in lots of different ways. Revision information poster Mind map Flashcards Quiz questions and answers
Religion: The Background Title: How bloody was Bloody Mary? Religion: The Background Mary is a Catholic and is determined to restore England to its original faith The Pope is given authority over the Church in England once again. However due to strong resistance, Mary finally unleashes her rage on Protestant preachers and supporters. Several of England’s bishops are burnt at the stake as heretics, including Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (who organized Henry’s divorce). Over 300 Protestants are killed, and another 800 flee to Germany and Switzerland. The burnings and persecution earn Mary the hatred of her subjects and the title ‘Bloody Mary’
Title: How bloody was Bloody Mary? What impression do you get of Mary from this clip?
Title: How bloody was Bloody Mary? Due to the number of protestants she killed she gained the nickname ‘Bloody Mary’ But does she truly deserve this nickname? Was she really that bad? That is what we are going to investigate today!
Title: How bloody was Bloody Mary? Unlucky Mary Divide your page into two columns: Bloody Mary Unlucky Mary Read through the sources and decide if you think the source suggests that Mary deserves her nickname write it in the ‘Bloody Mary’ column. If you think a source suggests she doesn’t write it in the ‘Unlucky Mary’ column. Overall, do you think Mary deserves her nasty nickname? Give reasons for your answer. 15 minutes
Ask for the Help Sheet if you need it ‘Mary was an evil queen who deserved her nickname’ How far do you agree? 8 You need to be able to explain one reason to support and reject an interpretation, or give a developed multi-causal explanation to either support or reject an interpretation. You need to be able to reach a supported judgement. 7 You need to be able to explain one reason to support or reject an interpretation, and begin to explain others. You need to be able to judge whether you agree or disagree and support your judgement with reasons. 6 You need to be able to begin to explain reasons to support or reject an interpretation, and begin to explain others. 5 You need to be able to judge whether you agree or disagree and support your judgement with reasons which you describe and begin to explain. 4 You need to be able to judge whether you agree or disagree with an interpretation. 3 You need to be able to describe an interpretation, and judge whether you agree with it. Complete the Question Ask for the Help Sheet if you need it 15 minutes
Plenary Learning Objective: To be able to JUDGE if Mary Tudor deserves her nickname Draw a smiley, normal or sad face to show how confident you feel about your judgment – do you think you understand your answer?