Student Led Conferences February 13-14-15-16
purpose Create a meaningful conference connecting your T-2-4 plan (post-high school) and adds parent involvement in the registration process as per WA law. A student‐led conference allows you to take the lead in sharing progress, course planning, discussing next steps, and setting goals with your parents.
SLC Preparation Focus on: preparing your SLC presentation for your parents so that they learn about your plans, goals, and reflections Your Seminar teacher will be your LC advocate during your SLC. Each conference will be 15 minutes long.
SLC Schedules Tuesday, February 13 1st period 8:00-9:07 (67) 2nd period 9:12-10:19 (67) Seminar 10:24-10:54 (30) 3rd period 10:59-12:06 (67) Lunch 12:06-12:30 Buses leave 12:30 Conferences 1:00-3:00 4:00-7:30 Wednesday, February 14 Friday, February 16 4th period 8:00-9:18 (78) 5th period 9:23-10:41 (78) 6th period 10:46-12:04 (78) Lunch 12:04-12:30 Buses leave 12:30 Conferences 1:00-3:00 (Wed) 1:00-2:30 (Friday) Thursday, February 15 1st period 8:00-9:18 (78) 2nd period 9:23-10:41 (78) 3rd period 10:46-12:04 (78) Lunch 12:04-12:30 Buses leave 12:30 Conferences 1:00-3:00 4:00-7:30
SLC Documents To support SLC discussion with your parent(s) and Seminar teacher, you will use 3 documents: today: SLC Reflection sheet – you will have time today and next Seminar to work on this form. Next week: Transcript (provided by your Seminar teacher.) On conference day: PowerSchool printout of classes you selected during registration (provided by your Seminar teacher.)
SLC Reflection
Filling out the form 1 2 3 4 6 5 NEATLY write in your Seminar teacher’s name at the top. Skip Parent Signature – parent will sign at conference. Date/Time of Conference NEATLY print your name Print the year of your graduation NEATLY write in the names of your parent/guardians that may attend your conference
T-2-4 Goals 1 2 Write in your career goal. Be as specific as you can be. If you don’t have a specific career picked out now, you can write in more general ideas. Check the box(es) for the type of post-high school education you are planning to go to.
T-2-4 Goals 1 2 3 Write in what you think you may want to do for a career. Mark your post-high school educational plan. Based on your answer to your Career Goal (#1), what Pathway does your career fit into? If you aren’t sure, the next slide will review Pathways. If your career choice is unique, choose Multi-Disciplinary.
Career pathways A Career Pathway is a way to group career choices with similar features. Each of the 5 pathways potentially have hundreds of careers that fit into them. Some careers fit easily into a single category, but others may fit into multiple pathways, while other careers may not fit into the main pathways.
Career pathways Spokane Schools Career Pathway Categories STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math Ex. Architect, Computer Science, Teacher, Engineer, Researcher Public Service Ex. Legal, Health Services, Government, Law Enforcement Business & Industry Ex. Banking, Tourism, Manufacturing, Finance, Sales, Marketing Arts & Humanities Ex. Journalist, Graphic Design, Psychologist, Teacher, Photographer Multi-Disciplinary Ex. Specialized careers that merge pathway areas such as a Biomedical Sales, Interior Design, Teacher, Urban Planner
Reflection For the rest of the document, begin filling in your answers to the questions. These statements will be used as a guide for you to follow for your SLC. Don’t fill out the Transcript Audit (back side) until next Seminar (you’ll get a copy of your updated transcript to help with this section).
Next steps: Seminar Teachers will COLLECT your reflection sheet and return it to you next week in Seminar for completion. This week, get your core teachers in English, Math, Science, and History to sign off on your registration sheet before you enter your classes in PowerSchool during English classes (Feb 2- Juniors, Feb. 5-Sophomores, Feb. 6-Freshmen.) Get that SLC scheduled with your Seminar teacher! (See next slides.)
scheduling TODAY: You will call your parent(s) to make the appointment. Your Seminar teacher will add your appointment to his or her master calendar. We’ll send your parent(s) a reminder postcard.
Your Teacher’s calendar Your Seminar Teacher will share his/her SLC calendar with your class. Use your phone or a classroom phone to call or text your parent and book an SLC appointment. Watch as your teacher adds your SLC to his/her calendar. If you need a reminder postcard sent to more than one parent, let your teacher know. They will flag that information for our office to send multiple reminders.