May the Grace of Christ Our Savior A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Christian Worship’ Edition Hymn #326 May the Grace of Christ Our Savior Text: John Newton, 1725-1807 (st. 1-2) Carroll T. Andrews, b. 1918 (st. 3) STUTTGART Tune: Christian F. Witt, 1660-1716, alt. PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler
#326 - May the Grace of Christ Our Savior And the Father's boundless love With the Holy Spirit's favor Rest upon us from above.
#326 - May the Grace of Christ Our Savior [2] So may we abide in union With each other and the Lord, Gathered here in blest communion By the power of his Word.
#326 - May the Grace of Christ Our Savior [3] Now **** *** *** ****** ** heaven Thanks *** ****** ** *** ** sing, Father, ***, *** **** Spirit, Three ** ***, *** ****** King.
A Collection of Lutheran Music Text: © 1971 GIA Publications, Inc. (st. 3) Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler