MATH UNIT #2 Multiplication and Division
Can I…. multiply to 9 × 9 and divide to 81 ÷ 9 (and beyond), using a variety of mental strategies? multiply whole numbers by 10, 100, 1000, and divide whole numbers by 10 and 100, using mental strategies?
Can I…. multiply decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 and divide decimal numbers by 10 and 100, using mental strategies? multiply two-digit whole numbers by one-digit (two-digit) whole numbers?
Can I…. divide two-digit (three-digit) whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers? use estimation to help judge the reasonableness of a solution?
Can I…. demonstrate an understanding of the inverse relationship between multiplication and division? demonstrate an understanding of simple multiplicative relationships of algebra?