Built Environment Accessible to All - An Overview of Disability Access Certificate (DAC) By Sabrina Spillane
Learning Outcomes What is Disability What is Accessibility Building Regulations of Ireland Revision of TGD Part M People and Organizations Involved in Review of TGD Part M Disability Access Certificate (DAC) & Requirements, Advantages, Disadvantages
What is Disability? The term Disability summarizes a great number of different functional limitations occurring in any population, in any country of the world. People may be disabled by physical, intellectual or sensory impairment, medical conditions or mental illness. Such impairments, conditions or illnesses may be permanent or transitory in nature. - United Nations Standard Rules
What is Accessibility? There are many definitions for Accessibility this is one that suit this lecture. The ease and convenience with which a property can be entered by customers, tenants, and other users, particularly related to access via automobile. Also, building design and alterations that enable people with physical disabilities to enter and maneuver in the building. –
Building Regulations of Ireland Building Regulation in Ireland - Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DoEHLG) Technical Guidance Document (TGD) Comply with the TGDs you are in compliance with Building Regulations of Ireland Building Regulations for Accessibility – Access for people with Disabilities is known as Part M and Part K of the regulations
Revision of TGD Part M Building Regulations and TGD Part M 2000 – Access for people with disability required further guidance to make buildings more accessible Commitment given in Outline Sectoral Place under Section 36 – Disability Act 2005 Result – Disability Access Certificate (DAC)
People and Organizations Involved in Review of TGD Part M People with disability Architects, Developers, Quantity Surveyors National Disability Authority Irish Wheelchair Association National Council for the Blind Irish Council for Social Housing RIAI - National Rehabilitation Board
Disability Access Certificate (DAC) DAC made Law January An architect or other professional prepares and submits Application Form per building to Building Control Authority (BCA) It is required before any work is done on the building - Post Planning Review Stage It is applied for the same time Fire Certificate
DAC Contd 2 Month Minimum process time of DAC approval Failure of Approval – Appeal to An Bord Pleanála Revision of DAC – Any changes to a building plan a revision DAC application need to be submitted – Public Offense not to have a DAC for building Application Cost Per BuildingE800 Application Appeal Cost Per BuildingE250 Application Revision Cost Per BuildingE800
DAC Requirements DAC Application Form ( (pg 38)) E800 Fee Drawings, in duplicate, including a site plan showing the approaches to the building and internal layout plans, clearly illustrating (in colour if needed) how the building complies with Part M of Building Regulations
DAC Requirements Contd A detailed report which should systematically work through Part M and cover the following topics: – approaches to the building, including paths and steps – access into the building; door widths, lobbies – circulation within the building; corridors, stairs, lifts – access to the facilities within the whole building – that sufficient bedrooms in hotels and guest houses are provided for people with disabilities – that fully accessible toilets, bathrooms and showers are provided – that audience and spectator facilities make allowances for wheelchair users, for example – that apartments in a building are fully accessible
Advantages Building Control Authorities (BCA) Demonstration on Compliance – Approach to a Building – Access to a Building – Circulation within a Building – Use of facilities within a Building – Sanitary Conveniences Universal Accessibility Symbols for Buildings
Building Control Authorities Monitors the accessibility in building Refuse DAC - You can Appeal to An Bord Pleanála – Appeal Fee E250 Request further documentation to comply with outlines regulations Permission to access sites applying for DAC Breaches made – power to enforce the law and prosecute offenders Cant sell property without a valid DAC
Approach to a Building
Access to a Building
Circulation within a Building
Use of facilities within a Building
Sanitary Conveniences
Universal Accessibility Symbols for Buildings Sanitary Symbols – Men and Women Restrooms Building Accessible Symbols Parking Accessibility Symbols and Parking Permit for people with Disability
Disadvantages People with disabilities wont be able to safely and independently access and use of a inaccessible built environment Unable to achieve quality of life in society that all other citizens has pursuing an active life in society Wont have equal access to services and employment Exclusion from participating as equal citizens.
Who monitors how buildings regulations are put in place correctly? a)Building Contractors Association b)Building Commissioning Association c)Building Control Authorities What does DAC stand for? a)Dublin Art Culture b)Disability Access Certificate c)Downhill Assist Control
POP QUIZ When did DAC come into affect? a)January b)January c)January How much does an application for DAC cost? a)250 b)600 c)800
POP QUIZ What is the Minimum process time of DAC approval? a)2 Months b)6 Months c)3 Months Name 3 ways to comply with DAC Regulations? 1)______________________________ 2)______________________________ 3)______________________________
Class Exercise Create a Disability Access Certificate for Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) including application form and report. Blank Application Form can be found in the following location ( (pg 38))
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