Daily Language Practice Grade 10 – Week 9 1. To attract customers merchants ocasionly pose live models next to mannequins they can’t talk, smile, twitch or move a muscle.
Vocabulary – Week 9 impresario – one who presents cultural series; organizer extortion – getting money by treats adverse- unfavorable, harmful asset – a valuable thing to have bigot – a narrow-minded, prejudiced person
Daily Language Practice Grade 10 – Week 9 2. He remembered the word silhouette while cutting a shape from the black paper and began to wonder where it came from.
Vocabulary – Week 9 blatant – disagreeably loud; very showy entourage – group of attendants virulent – full of hate; harmful venom – poison; spite; malice spew – throw up; vomit; eject
Daily Language Practice Grade 10 – Week 9 3. In the book Once upon a time when we were Colored, he describes hisself growing up as an african american in Mississippi during the 1950’s. (The author of this book is Clifton Taulbert.)
Vocabulary – Week 9 loath – unwilling; reluctant solicit – to beg; seek earnestly astute – keen; shrewd advocate – to be in favor of; to support ineffectual – not effective
Daily Language Practice Grade 10 – Week 9 4. As Sonja and myself loaded new software onto her computer, it made a grinding noise that reminded her and I of the time she stripped the gears on her Mother’s car.
Vocabulary – Week 9 scrutinize – examine closely nefarious – villainous; vicious amicable – friendly; peaceful vexatious – annoying malady - disease
Daily Language Practice Grade 10 – Week 9 5. As the train rounded the dangerous curve on a specially dezigned rail it tipped inward slightly but remained stable.