June is Walk and Roll Month En juin, on roule…ça marche! Transition Cornwall+ Active Transportation Group May 14th, 2018
Purpose A celebration of walking and rolling for all in Cornwall and Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry
Let’s celebrate! Online Campaign: Follow us on Facebook @walkandrollcornwallsdg Visit us online www.walkandrollcornwallsdg.ca Featured Events: Bikes vs Cars Film Screening – June 5 Bike Love 101 Workshop – June 11 Moonlight Bike Ride – June 16 Clean Air Day – June 20 Summer Solstice Event – June 21 Local Features: People – who walks and rolls Places – where to walk and roll Events – when to walk and roll Let’s celebrate!
Proclaiming June as Walk and Roll Month WHEREAS the Cornwall City Council committed to the continued implementation of the bicycle and pedestrian master plan in their current Strategic Plan (2016-2018); and WHEREAS the Complete Cornwall au Complet revised Official Plan outlines planning principles, goals and policy directions that support and encourage active transportation, a safe and efficient transportation system including transit, as well as access to active and passive recreation. WHEREAS the Transition Cornwall+ Active Transportation Group continues to advocate and build support for a more bicycle, pedestrian friendly and walkable community; and WHEREAS the City of Cornwall was awarded a Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community Award by the Share the Road Cycling Coalition; and WHEREAS the City of Cornwall can boast of over 40 KM of recreational paths, an ever-growing urban cycling loop, and an impressive network of sidewalks; and WHEREAS June will be celebrated as Walk and Roll Month by the Transition Cornwall+ Active Transportation Group; and WHEREAS walking, riding a bicycle and other forms of rolling (such as carpooling and using transit) are recognized as sustainable alternative modes of transportation for people commuting to work or children and youth getting to and from school; and WHEREAS walking and riding a bicycle are more universally accessible and healthy forms of recreation for all ages and abilities.
Thank you to our partners and supporters