Communities Of faith Major World religions
Founders & Followers – Key Concepts Religions: Systems of practices and rules to express and respond to the search for and belief in God. Faith/Belief: Something accepted as true by a person or Group. Our faith or belief in God is at the heart of our religion. Monotheism: belief in one God. Founder: A person whose teaching and example leads to the formation of a group or community vision. Sacred Text: Writings relating to a community of faith, which are considered holy and inspired. Polytheism: belief in many gods.
The Origins of Major World Religions
The Origins of Major World Religions
Major World Religion: Christianity Symbol: Founder/Significant Leader: Jesus Christ
Major World Religion: Christianity When? Where? Palestine 2000 Years Ago (modern day Israel)
Major World Religion: Christianity Earliest Followers; Sacred Text; apostles
Major World Religion: Judaism Symbol; Founder/Significant Leader; abraham
Major World Religion: Judaism When? Where? Fertile Cresent 4,000 Years ago (modern day iraq)
Major World Religion: Judaism Earliest Followers; Sacred Text; Other pagan Tribes in palestine Torah
Major World Religion: Islam Symbol; Founder/Significant Leader; Muhammad
Major World Religion: Islam When; Where; Ad 570 Saudi Arabia
Major World Religion: Islam Earliest Followers; Sacred Text; Arabs in the Middle east Qu’ran