Townsville Water Infrastructure Securing the Foundations of Prosperity Cleveland Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility Townsville Water Infrastructure Securing the Foundations of Prosperity
History Approximately every 20-30 years the city requires a major water source upgrade Townsville Water Authority 1882 Gleeson's Weir 1908 Black Weir 1930s + 1940s (Sever restrictions in the 1930s) Paluma Dam – 1957 Ross River Dam 1974 – Flood protection Emergency supply – Haughton pipeline 1988 Major upgrade of treatment plants - 2009 Now – Haughton pipeline Gleeson's Weir repairs – circa 2011
Recent history Townsville actively encourages improvement of the amenity and social infrastructure Water no longer just for drinking and public health Now linked to amenity and prosperity and industry Industry requiring water and people willing to live and invest in Townsville Along the way - Water got separated from the community expectations and planning – No easy fix to meet expectations Mount St Johns Treatment Plant
Current Townsville is facing water supply challenges as a result of the drought The planning now shows that another secure source as: The Ross River dam source supplemented by the Burdekin does not provide security For a secure source we now need a Burdekin supply supplemented by Ross River Dam, requiring a secure pipeline and pump station (Subtle but very important change) (Refer earlier presentation by Tom V) And our communities expectations are not aligned with how we deliver water services Ross River Dam – circa 2011
New Way Water infrastructure is seen as important infrastructure by TCC to provide: Public Health Clean drinking water and sanitation Amenity and Sustainability A great place to live Prosperity Security of water to enable investment and growth – A great place to invest To do this we need to incorporate water and sanitation into ALL planning. Engage and be part of the community Look at innovative ways to support economic activity and development Townsville Recreational Boating Park – Credit: Overall Photography
Leading to a well planned future The first Steps: Townsville leads the way with city deals incorporating water as a major component Independent Taskforce - bringing all parties to the table to agree on the problem and the infrastructure required for Townsville's prosperity – A Short, medium and long term plan Committing to infrastructure - giving surety and stability to stimulate investment Ensuring water and wastewater infrastructure supports other community infrastructure and economic developments Taskforce members
water services that provide Health, Amenity and Prosperity What will we achieve By linking water to planning, engaging and joining all governments, stakeholders and the community we will achieve A long term plan of the City that incorporates water infrastructure. Water is seen as the backbone not the blocker A engaged community that works alongside the council to provide appropriate and affordable water and sanitation Flexible and focused solutions that encourage development and investment. The outcome... water services that provide Health, Amenity and Prosperity