River Valley Civilizations What are some good reasons to live here?
River Valleys Areas between rivers and other water sources had rich, fertile soil.. These areas could support the farming and survival needs for many people. Over time these areas became home to several settlements under the same culture. Highly organized and large societies evolved.
Mesopotamia 3500 B.C. to 1700 B.C. Location: Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in present day Iraq. “The land between the rivers.” – “Fertile Crescent” Agriculture: Used irrigation from river floods to grow crops. This led to other professions such as potters, weavers, metal workers, warriors, and priests. (Artisans – workers with a special skill)
Mesopotamia The first creators of Mesopotamian civilization were the Sumerians. Government: Different areas were made of city-states, which had to take care of themselves. Ruled by theocracies, which are gov’s that are ruled by priests & religion. When kings became rulers they were still considered agents of the gods. Sumerian priests and priestesses performed religious ceremonies to please the gods in order to protect the cities and bless the crops.
Mesopotamia Religion: The people looked to religious beliefs to answer their questions about life. They had around 3,000 gods/goddesses. This made them polytheistic (believing in many gods). Temples were built on top of Ziggurats, the large buildings that were the center of each city. -Epic of Gilgamesh Ziggurat at Ur https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_of_Gilgamesh Approximately two thirds of this longer, twelve-tablet version have been recovered. Some of the best copies were discovered in the library ruins of the 7th-century BC Assyrian king Ashurbanipal. What do the religious stories of ancient Mesopotamia tell us about the people and their fears & values?
What is remaining of ziggurats. Uruk Ur – Destroyed in Iraq
Mesopotamia Economy: Relied mostly on farming. Trade, pottery, textiles (fabrics), and metalwork were also very important. Wheels for carts made transportation much easier. Created a form of writing called cuneiform for record keeping and sharing knowledge. Used a tool to make wedge-shapes in clay, then the clay was left out to dry.
Mesopotamia Society: - Three major social groups. 1.Nobles – priests & royalty 2.Commoners 3.Slaves – used for projects like building, weaving, and farming. Nobility The practice of slavery has ALWAYS been in history! The difference, is that ancient slaves were usually criminals whose punishment was a term of slavery, or they were sold as a slave because their family needed the money. Commoners Farmers, Merchants, Artisans Do you think this type of social structure was beneficial to the success of the civilization? Slaves Conquered or Convicted
Women in Mesopotamia Most women stayed at home and cooked, cleaned, raised the children, and crushed the grain. Noble women could Go to the market without a male escort and buy goods Complete legal matters in their husband’s absence Could own property Some could engage in business and obtain a divorce. Woman praying; University of Chicago
Mesopotamia Contributions: Architecture: stone and mud buildings such as the Ziggurat Invented the wheel Invented the sailboat Irrigation Copper & Bronze weapons Created a number system based on 60 Invented cuneiform writing for records and cultural stories Developed a legal system called the Code of Hammurabi Which Mesopotamian contribution is the most important? Be prepared to defend you answer.
Cuneiform Activity
Code of Hammurabi First set of laws ever recorded in human history! Covers almost all decisions and actions of daily life. Goal: to ensure justice and protect the weak. Treated nobles and commoners differently. Established an “eye for and eye” legal system. Meaning, a punishment equal to the crime. Why is it important for a society to have established and defined laws and rules?
Law against trying to frame someone Law against robbery Law against property damage Law for divorce and spousal/child support Law against personal assault Law against personal assault Law against causes of unnecessary death. Law against breach of contract.
Check for Mastery Where was Mesopotamia located? How did the rivers increase soil fertility? The Mesopotamian religion, which identified nearly 3,000 gods/goddesses, can be described as ______________? What was their type of government? Who had great political power in Sumeria? The Sumerians were the first to discover and use what type of metal?