MIS3500 * Asper School of Business * Travica


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Presentation transcript:

MIS3500 * Asper School of Business * Travica Exercise on Normalization - Solution (a) Class diagram for Customer Order Management System _OrderProduct__ Quantity Discount _Customer_ CustomerID CLastName CFirstName Address City State PostCode CTel ___Order___ OrderNumber OrderDate EstRecDate ActDecDate __Product__ ProductID PName ListPrice _Manufacturer_ ManufacturerID MName MTel __Fabric___ FabricID FabName FabDescription _Category__ CategoryID CatName CatDescription 1 places * * is for * 1 * * made of 1 * belongs to 1 made by Alternatives: Product : Fabric = M:M, association class needed Product : Manufacturer = M:M Business rule on multiplicity: 1. Each customer places a number of orders while each order is placed by only one customer. 2. An Order can have many products, and each product can be ordered many times. 3. A product is made of one main fabric (alt.: many), and a particular fabric can be used in many products. 4. A product belongs to one category, and each category can have many products 5. A product is made by one manufacturer (alt.: many), and a manufacturer can make many products.

(b) Schema for Customer Order Management System _OrderProduct__ OrderNumber ProductID Quantity Discount _Customer_ CustomerID CLastName CFirstName Address City State PostCode CTel ___Order___ OrderDate EstRecDate ActDecDate __Product__ PName CategoryID FabricID ListPrice ManufactD _Manufacturer_ ManufacturerID MName MTel __Fabric___ FabName FabDescription _Category__ CatName CatDescription 1 * 1 * * 1 * 1 Study carefully similarities and differences between (a) and (b). Run normalization test: 1NF – are there repeating sections in any table? 2 NF – in tables with combined keys (OrderProduct), do non-key attributes depend on the entire key? Is there a partial functional dependence on the key? If yes, it’s not in 2NF. 3 NF – do non-key attributes depend on the key only? Is there any dependence between non-key attributes (transitive dependence)?