Material Variance in Performance Duquesne Light Company Roger D. Colton April 27, 2000
Payment Performance: #1 Chronic nonpayment Temporary nonpayment Irregular payments Irregular nonpayments Seasonal nonpayment Pay odd amounts at odd times 12/1/2018
Payment Performance: #2 Change from good payment to bad Never quite caught up payments Skip payments, make up, start over Payment only with intervention, but full Always some payment, but never full Pay until arrears >$x, then quit 12/1/2018
Payment Performance: #3 No payment at all Some payments, but few No winter payments Only payment is LIHEAP Miss only few payments in a year “Gaming the system” 12/1/2018
Affordability Performance Payment problem manifestation Activity that is threat to health, safety or welfare of customer 12/1/2018
Partnership Performance “Game the system” (manifestation?) Fail to make minimum payments Fail to seek out available assistance Fails to communicate re. problems Fails to control usage 12/1/2018
Customer Performance Feeling overwhelmed: paralyzed Fail to control usage Live only by crisis management Lack knowledge of what to do and when Fail to plan beyond shortest term Fail to trust company 12/1/2018
Internal Company Performance #1 Failure to maximize productivity Complicated forms for Company’s own $s. Do 15 applications for one eligible customer Respond to inappropriately referred customers 12/1/2018
Internal Company Performance #2 Failure to be effective Get people on universal service program and keep them on. Effectively handle call center volume Do what we say/mean what we say Consistent message 12/1/2018
For more information: 12/1/2018