Neponset Valley Stormwater Collaborative Steering Committee Meeting November 13, 2014 10am – noon Analog Devices
New to the 2014 Draft Permit Enhanced IDDE Program requirements Catchments Investigation Procedures Data reporting Bacteria TMDL waters Mapping, sso tracking, data management
Outfalls discharging to waters impaired for bacteria subject to bacteria TMDL Outfalls that need to be High or Problem Total Number of outfalls Percentage Canton 214 277 77% Dedham 125 200 63% Medfield 322 426 76% Milton 167 178 94% Randolph 222 564 39% Sharon 20 237 8% Stoughton 53 207 26% Walpole 227 411 55% Westwood 230 372 62% Enhancement of BMPs required by Part 2.3 of the permit that shall be implemented during this permit term: 1. Part 2.3.3. Public Education: The permittee shall supplement its Residential program with an annual message encouraging the proper management of pet waste, including noting any existing ordinances where appropriate. The permittee or its agents shall disseminate educational materials to dog owners at the time of issuance or renewal of a dog license, or other appropriate time. Education materials shall describe the detrimental impacts of improper management of pet waste, requirements for waste collection and disposal, and penalties for non-compliance. The permittee shall also provide information to owners of septic systems about proper maintenance in any catchment that discharges to a water body impaired for bacteria or pathogens. 2. Part 2.3.4 Illicit Discharge: Catchments draining to any waterbody impaired for bacteria or pathogens shall be designated either Problem Catchments or HIGH priority in implementation of the IDDE program.
Timeline Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 5 Year 10 Complete Outfall Inventory Priority Rank all Catchments Complete written IDDE Plan Begin Catchment Investigation Procedure Year 2 Complete additional mapping requirements Year 3 Screen and Sample all outfalls/interconnections during dry weather Investigate 80% of Problem Catchments Year 5 Investigate 100% of Problem Catchments Investigate all catchments with evidence of sewage input from outfall screening Investigate 40% of total MS4 area Year 10 Investigate 100% of total MS4 area
IDDE Plan Document Legal Authority Statement of IDDE Responsibilities Assessment and Priority Ranking of Catchments Outfall and Interconnection Screening and Sampling Catchment Investigation Procedure Illicit Discharge Removal and Confirmation Follow-up Screening Illicit Discharge Prevention Procedures Red text needs to be updated for individual Town
Attachments to Plan Field sheets, SOP from Central MA group on locating illicit discharges, etc.
Outfall Tables
Regional Collaboration Survey 4 Towns responded (Sharon, Canton, Dedham, Milton) 100% interested in collaboration! Staff do not have enough time to meet IDDE requirements Benefits: Save Money Save time Work across town boundaries