Tema 8. Aminoácidos y ácidos orgánicos.
GLUTAMATO En Japón desde 1908 Hidrólisis de soja
Alfa-cetoglutarato DH
The T1R2/T1R3 sweet receptor is found on K- and L-type enteroendocrine cells in the intestine. These cells secrete hormones called incretins, which in turn stimulate insulin production. The sweet receptors neatly explain a phenomenon that had mystified physiologists for more than 50 years: that eating glucose triggers significantly more insulin than injecting it directly into the bloodstream.
Human T1R1 influences sensitivity to monosodium l-glutamate Human T1R1 influences sensitivity to monosodium l-glutamate. Low-concentration MSG robustly activates receptors containing human T1R1 (open circles), and IMP potentiates the response (filled circles). Also shown for comparison are dose responses for Ala (squares) and Ser (triangles). For each series, responses were normalized to the mean response at the highest concentration.
E-627 guanilato sódico; E-631 Inosinato sódico
LISINA Suplemento piensos. Cereales pobres en lisina.
Ácido acético Vinagre 10%
Alcohol deshidrogenasa Acetaldehido deshidrogenasa
Ácido cítrico 91% microbiológicamente. Resto cítricos 60% alimentación (caramelos, helados, mermeladas 10% farmacología: almacenar sanfre, quelante calcio 25% Química. Reemplaza a fosfatos en detergentes
Piruvato El citrato inhibe la fosfofructoquinasa, pero dicha inhibición desaparece en presencia del ion amonio Piruvato carboxilasa La aconitasa (citrato-Isocitrato y la Isocitrato DH (Isocitgrato a α-cetoglutarato) necesitan hierro y manganeso respectivamente. Para inhibirlas los medios de cultivo se pasan por resinas que quelan estos cationes