Mindfulness and Compassion: Self-Care Tools for Clinicians Julie Woodward, MA, MSW
Opening Prac>ce Exercise: Three Deeper Breaths
Welcome The experience of self-care. This is YOUR >me! Session agenda
Exercise Mindfulness of Movement, Breath and Sound
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduc>on, MBSR, for Healthcare Professionals High levels of stress, depression, anxiety Burnout and compassion fa>gue Sa>sfac>on with care-giving role Wellbeing and coping University of MassachuseNs Center For Mindfulness Jon Kabat-Zinn and Saki Santorelli
Exercise Affec>onate Breathing, Soothing Touch
Mindful Self-Compassion Large Increase in research into self-compassion in last decade Reduces nega>ve mind states: anxiety, depression, shame Increases posi>ve mind states, happiness, wellbeing, life sa>sfac>on Center for Mindful Self Compassion Kris>n Neff, PhD, Christopher Germer, 2013
Check-In The experience of Care-Managers
Self-care first Exercise: Self-Compassion Break
MSC Exercise: Mindful Compassion for the Caregiver
A compassionate approach to your own experience Three Deeper Breaths Compassionate Body Scan Mindful Movement Affec>onate Breathing Soothing Touch Self-Compassion Break Mindful Self-Compassion for the Caregiver
MSC at Work Mindfulness-Informed prac>ce Mindfulness-Based prac>ce
Closing Medita>on recap