More info: From The Bench FROM THE BENCH is a Spanish company focused on the production, management and distribution of social and mobile games in a cross-platform environment. More info:
Headquarters offices: Madrid (Spain). Background Headquarters offices: Madrid (Spain). Development Studio: Alicante (Spain). Employees: 20 professionals. Producing social and mobile games since 2003.
FACEBOOK / IPHONE / ANDROID / IPAD: Technologies WEB: SextaManager – LA SEXTA. Todos contra Itu – LA SEXTA. FACEBOOK / IPHONE / ANDROID / IPAD: Fantasy Manager – REAL MADRID CF. Be a Legend – DIARIO MARCA. TUENTI: Fantasy Spanish League – TUENTI.
Our Partners Football teams:
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Our games
Our games (cont.)
Our games (cont.)
Succes Case: RM Fantasy Manager With Real Madrid Fantasy Manager the user can manage the Real Madrid team from several points of view: sport, financial, marketing, facilities… IPHONE RESULTS: +300K app downloads in the first 4 months MAU: 85,000 DAU: 15,000 Revenue: 170K€
Succes Case: RM Fantasy Manager Total earnings (nov 10 – feb 11): 170,000 € Revenue expected for June 2011: 350,000 €
“Stars Cup” Concept Turn-based game in which two users face each other into a synchronous play. The play represents a footbal match between the parts, where users must use the following tools in order to beat his opponent: Players. Equipment. Plays.
Tools: Players
Tools: Equipment
Tools: Plays
Monetization Create and customize your collectable deck in order to be competitive. You will be able to collect different types of cards: Players’ cards. Equipment’s cards. Plays’ cards. The better cards you have the more chance you’ll have to beat your opponets and to win the tournaments.
Game Progress The main goal of the user is to get as many points as possible: SC POINTS (Stars Cup Points). How to get SC POINTS? Playing friendly matches. Playing Tournaments. Tournaments will have the ATP’s mechanic, in which the user must defend his previous result in order to get SC POINTS.
Rounds Tournaments Round: July to May (spanish season) Final Round: June (at the end of the season). The users best classified during the year will attend to the Final Round in Madrid. In the Final Round there will be different heats to decide the two finalists for the Stars Cup Championship. The winner will get an amazing prize offered by Real Madrid CF. The idea is to get “REAL” from “VIRTUAL”.
Signing official shirts. Signing balls. Prizes Real Madrid CF will offer different prizes to engage heavy users and improve monetization: Signing official shirts. Signing balls. Tickets for a match at the stadium and the Bernabeu’s Tour. Trainning assistance. Etc.
Game Design (GDD) Art Design Prototype iPhone Released Production Plan May 11 Game Design (GDD) Jul 11 Art Design Aug 11 Prototype Sep 11 iPhone Released Android and iPad versions for 2012
Game Design and production. From The Bench’s work From The Bench will take care about the whole project: Game Design and production. Upload and manage the game in the official Real Madrid’s itunes account. Server infraestructure. Customer Support and community management. Game’s improvement. Android and iPad versions.
José David Poveda CEO Contact us We really belive that the Stars Cup game will monetize even better than the Fantasy Manager. José David Poveda CEO T: (+34) 965 398 672 M: (+34) 607 953 850