Kate Chopin 1850-1904
A writer ahead of her time… Portrayed the passions and discontents of women Widely condemned Katherine O’Flaherty
St. Louis, Missouri February 8, 1850 Irish father French mother Surrounded by strong, independent women who helped shape her as a writer
Marriage – Oscar Chopin June 9, 1870 – She was 20 years old. Moved to New Orleans Business failed in 1879 Moved to his family’s plantations in Natchitoches Parish Oscar died 1882 – swamp fever 6 children
Life after Oscar Returned to St. Louis Mother died Emotionally burnt out Doctor suggested that Kate write to express her grief Supported her family with income from real estate she owned in Louisiana and St. Louis
Writing Nationally acclaimed local color writer Criticized for questioning the role of women in society Critical disapproval of her novel, The Awakening Editor suspended the publication of her third collection of stories – published in 1991 (87 years after her death) Most famous short story – “Desiree’s Baby”
Death August 20, 1904 – cerebral hemorrhage Died August 22nd