Organizing & Analyzing The Past Michelle Wagner Curriculum Design
Thinking Like A Historian What are some ways historians organize and analyze events? Pair Think Share
Ways To Organize & Analyze Events Today’s Focus
Social Institutions All human societies address basic needs in order to survive for more than one generation.
Social Institutions Meeting these basic needs results in the creation of social institutions: Economy Government Family Education Religion Language Important: Although societies may vary in how they address these needs, all societies do address them.
Social Institutions What would a group of people need in order to survive for at least 100 years (or for at least 3 generations)? Generation: The average it takes for people to grow up and produce their own offspring.
Social Institutions To Make A Living Every society which has survived at least 3 generations has found a way to meet the following needs: To Make A Living Produce & Distribute Food Establish Shelter
Social Institutions Law & Order Every society which has survived at least 3 generations has found a way to meet the following needs: Law & Order Systems to protect themselves
Social Institutions Learning & Transmitting Culture Every society which has survived at least 3 generations has found a way to meet the following needs: Learning & Transmitting Culture
Social Institutions Shared Ideas & Beliefs Every society which has survived at least 3 generations has found a way to meet the following needs: Shared Ideas & Beliefs
Social Institutions Shared System Of Communication Self - Expression Every society which has survived at least 3 generations has found a way to meet the following needs: Shared System Of Communication Self - Expression
Social Institutions Ways To Care For & Raise Children Every society which has survived at least 3 generations has found a way to meet the following needs: Ways To Care For & Raise Children
Let’s Discuss Needs of Societies Conversation Line Form 2 Lines You will partner with the person facing you. Partner 1 (everyone in a certain line) will talk for 2 minutes about the question. Then partner 2 (everyone from the other line) will talk for 2 minutes on the question. Remember: No Interrupting!
Conversation Line Discussion Prompts Informational Card Conversation Line Discussion Prompts Are the ideas on this list truly needs? Why or why not? Are these necessary elements of human culture or society? Why or why not? Have we (2015 Americans) addressed these needs within our own culture? Explain. Do we have additional needs in our society? Explain.
Debrief – Share Out How was your thinking about needs of societies or social institutions challenged, modified or extended by the Conversation Line? What did you notice about your thinking? What did you notice about your answers? Did you find yourself weaving in ideas you heard your partner mention, during your response?
Write down your number & your assigned need. Quick Sketch Let’s count – off (#1 - #6). Write down your number & your assigned need. Needs of Societies To make a living, produce, and distribute food and shelter Law and order or systems to protect each other Learning and transmitting culture Shared ideas and beliefs Shared system of communication and self-expression Ways to care for and raise children
Draw a quick sketch illustrating your assigned need. (Include Examples)
Find Your Number Partners Create a larger poster combining the most important ideas from your group’s Quick Sketches. Take 10 Minutes…
Gallery Walk With your number partners, visit each group’s poster (only 2 minutes / poster). Discuss the elements / ideas included on each poster. Each Group will leave 1 Post-It explaining either: What you believe to be the most important aspect What you believe should be added
Gallery Walk – Wrap Up Return to your group’s poster Read Post-It Notes Discuss what (if anything) you would change or add to your poster based on feedback. Present your poster / need to the class by describing it in 3 sentences or less.
Applying our Knowledge 1st Read: Follow along as I read “Life Among The Iroquois Nations”. Your only job is to listen and try to determine what this text is trying to tell us. 2nd Read: Independently read the text – Talk To The Text (Note evidence showing each of the 6 Social Institutions)
Partner Think Aloud Partner 1: Share what evidence you found regarding the 6 Social Institutions (page 1 only). Partner 2: Share what evidence you found regarding the 6 Social Institutions (page 2 only).
What other social institutions should we consider? Wrap - Up Social institutions are defined as long lasting patterns of meeting basic social needs. What other social institutions should we consider?
Why do you think historians analyze societies? Wrap - Up Why do you think historians analyze societies? Why do historians distinguish between long-lasting patterns and fleeting patterns?
Wrap - Up How would you describe the relationship between social institutions and society?
Wrap - Up How can comparing social institutions of several societies, during the same time period, help us better understand history?