Walsingham Academy Mrs. McArthur Room 111 History of the Ancient and Medieval World The Study of History: Getting Started Walsingham Academy Mrs. McArthur Room 111
World History: Connections to Today Meet the author (Paris: 2007)
Black Ships Before Troy Must have by: Sept. 21st Available on-line: http://www.alibris.com/ http://www.abebooks.com/ http://www.barnesandnoble.com/
Assignment 1 Read syllabus with parent. (acknowledgement slip due to me Monday, Aug. 31) Read handout: Recurring Historical Themes and answer questions posed on a separate sheet of loose-leaf paper. Note: Loose a sheet-It’s on Blackbaud!
Project*: Personalized Notebook Create a personalized cover using DTP*: (front, back, spine) for your history notebook. The components include: Personal information: your name, course title, school, year Visual Representation of each of the key themes presented in lecture (notes) and summarized on your handout. Each visual must have a clearly identifiable number. Key: identifying the visual representations by theme. Your choices should reflect our subject and if possible your interests. (Suggestion: look through the text for some ideas.) *(Rubric on handout.) Project Due Date: Friday, Sept. 4 *DTP = Desktop Publishing (Use Word or PowerPoint)
Assignment 2 Read syllabus with parent. (Acknowledgement slip due to me Monday, Aug. 31) Begin organizing your graphics and your design ideas for Notebook Project. Be sure to consult parameters and rubric. Watch video, History of the World in 7-minutes (Link on following slide) Complete activity #1 on accompanying handout. Note: Loose a sheet-It’s on Blackbaud!
*This is based on scientific theory and is necessarily approximate. Quick Fact File* The earth is about 4,000,000,000 years old. Homo-Sapiens appeared about 250,000,000 years ago. Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens appeared about 40,000 years ago. The last ice age ended about 10,000 years ago. Civilization arouse about 5,000 years ago. *This is based on scientific theory and is necessarily approximate.
Assignment 3 Read handout, watch internet video and answer questions #2-3 on separate piece of paper in complete sentences Bring Storage device with design files. Project Due Date: Friday, Sept. 4
A study of man’s past. (working definition) What is History? A study of man’s past. (working definition)
History: Study of Man’s Past To study history, one must understand 2 key concepts: Chronology of events Examples from our history: Duration of time Examples: Proportional and Relative representations of time
Place in Chronological Order English arrive in Jamestown American Revolution War Between the States The Great Depression World War II My Birth
Assignments 4 Work on project Read text, pp 4-5 and create brief definitions of social sciences mentioned. Acknowledgement Slip due Monday Aug. 31st Project Due Date: Friday, Sept. 4th