Ad-Hoc Regulatory Group Agenda 12 January, 2000 Ad-Hoc Regulatory Group Agenda Denis Kuwahara 10 - 14 Jan 2000 Tel Aviv, Israel
Ad-Hoc Regulatory Group 12 January, 2000 Ad-Hoc Regulatory Group Recording Secretary - Bob Huang 802.11 Chair Formed Group Informal Group Voting Rights Prepare Regulatory Responses Meet Tues 10:30 - 12:00 Wed 8:30 - 12:00 Draft to WG Review Wed 3:30
Ad-Hoc Group Agenda Respond to Korean Regulatory Agency 12 January, 2000 Ad-Hoc Group Agenda Respond to Korean Regulatory Agency Definition of ITU Process Draft/Identify 5GHz License Exempt paper
ITU Status IEEE 802.11 Ad_Hoc Draft/Approved JRG 8A/9B ITU Process 12 January, 2000 ITU Status IEEE 802.11 Ad_Hoc Draft/Approved JRG 8A/9B ITU Process
Ad-Hoc Draft Documentation 12 January, 2000 Ad-Hoc Draft Documentation Ad-Hoc Group draft Boeing Freq Mgmt review Withdraw from submission
ITU Process Industry Advisor to US Study Group 12 January, 2000 ITU Process Industry Advisor to US Study Group National Position Development (US NTIA) National Presentation to ITU-R (US NTIA) ITU defines changes to Red Book Internal Gov Agency Dissemination (FCC)