Contact Information for AIA All forms found in Insul-Net ATTENDANCE TEMPLETE FOR AIA (course credit) Maria Rearick at Carlisle PH 717-245-7148 ext 7148 FAX 717-960-4485 ATTENDANCE TEMPLETE FOR AIA (issuance of certificates) EVALUATION FORMS, CES Joyce Jackson at Insulfoam PH 253-597-8140 ext 8209 FAX 253-597-7100
AIA CES Speaker Agreement Read, Sign and send to Joyce at IF Must be on record for each presentation for 5 years
AIA CES Course Attendance Sign in Form Fill in form, Neatness counts! Provider number and course number are found on the first page of each presentation Send this form to Maria (course credit) at Carlisle and Joyce at Insufoam (certificates) Make sure location address is on form If not, make sure you have addresses, business cards or emails for all attendees, otherwise we have no way to issue certificates Certificates can be given to non AIA members
Certificate of Completion Issued by Joyce after you send her the list of attendees
CES Course Evaluation Form Pass out at the end of the presentation Send to Joyce at IF