February 13 - 17
Science Thoughts 2/13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtJnRokyLvc What is the structure that surrounds the cell membrane of a plant cell? Cell Wall
Plant and animal cells reading Complete diagram Monday in class Plant and animal cells reading Complete diagram
Science Thoughts 2/14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zafJKbMPA8 What organelle makes a plant cell the color green? chlorophyll in the chloroplast
Tuesday in class Notes (foldable) on function of organelles: Mitochondria Golgi bodies Endoplasmic reticulum Vacuoles Lysosomes Ribosomes Chloroplast
Mitochondria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOfyuoa0Ywc (1:11) are known as the powerhouses of the cell. They are organelles that act like a digestive system which takes in nutrients, breaks them down, and creates energy rich molecules for the cell. The biochemical processes of the cell are known as cellular respiration.
Golgi bodies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGM76zrWe7M (1:04) packages proteins into membrane- bound vesicles inside the cell before the vesicles are sent to their destination
Endoplasmic reticulum https://www. youtube. com/watch serves many general functions, including the folding of protein molecules in sacs called cisternae and the transport of synthesized proteins in vesicles to the Golgi apparatus
Vacuoles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evW93DtSoZY (3:39) storage bubbles found in cells. They are found in both animal and plant cells but are much larger in plant cells. Vacuoles might store food or any variety of nutrients a cell might need to survive. They can even store waste products so the rest of the cell is protected from contamination.
Lysosomes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cA-Ou_t2sag (1:00) The lysosomes also act as the waste disposal system of the cell by digesting unwanted materials in the cytoplasm
Ribosomes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbB2kMkmb0w (2:06) Ribosomes are the protein builders or the protein synthesizers of the cell. They are like construction guys who connect one amino acid at a time and build long chains.
Chloroplast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOPEn2qYff4&t=19s (4:18) Chloroplasts work to convert light energy of the Sun into sugars that can be used by cells. The entire process is called photosynthesis and it all depends on the little green chlorophyll molecules in each chloroplast.
https://www.brainpop.com/science /cellularlifeandgenetics/cellstructur es/ (2:13) https://www.brainpop.com/science /cellularlifeandgenetics/cellspeciali zation/ (2:01) Animal cells (11:34) https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=cj8dDTHGJBY Plant cells (10:27) https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=9UvlqAVCoqY&t=245s All organelles (1:30 each) https://www.youtube.com/watch? annotation_id=annotation_449350 &feature=iv&src_vid=4OLiDwjj_Bo &v=tdGjorwuEDw
Science Thoughts 2/15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpcxwf5lzns What is the job of the mitochondria? Change glucose into energy through cellular respiration.
Exploring cells activity Wednesday in class https://www.brainpop.com/technology/scienceandindustry/microscopes/ (3:48) Complete Exploring cells activity
Science Thoughts 2/16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rABKB5aS2Zg What are the seven characteristics of all living things? Reproduce Homeostasis Adapt Organized Respond Grow Energy and develop
Thursday in class Test Characteristics Microscopes Parts of the Cell
Science Thoughts 2/17 Name the 12 parts of the cell you needed to know for the test yesterday. Cell membrane Cell wall vacuole Nuclear membrane Nucleus ER Cytoplasm mitochondria Chloroplast Golgi bodies Ribosomes lysosomes
Identify parts of plant and animal cells Introduction of protists Friday in class Notebook check Identify parts of plant and animal cells Introduction of protists Reading and foldable