Documentation Giving credit to a source for words and ideas borrowed from a source Quotations Paraphrases Basic rule: Everything you use that is from a source has to be documented.
Exception: Common Knowledge Basic information available in numerous sources (common rule of thumb: 5 or more) “Generally speaking, you can regard something as common knowledge if you find the same information undocumented in at least five credible sources” (Stolley, Brizee, and Paiz, Purdue Online Writing Lab). Information commonly known by the general population or within a particular field of study NOT opinions, analysis, interpretations, original research, or exact wording, etc.
Common Knowledge & Documentation Paraphrased common knowledge: No documentation necessary. Quoted common knowledge: Documentation required (exact words themselves are typically not common knowledge). When in doubt, document to avoid possible plagiarism or ask your instructor.
Documentation Format (MLA) Two Components for Documentation: In-text Citation (Parenthetical Citation) Works Cited page
In-text Citation Information in the text of your essay that links each borrowed quote or paraphrase to a source listed on the Works Cited page Tells your reader that the information or words are not yours. Tells your readers whose information or words they actually are.
The Basics Introduce the quotation or paraphrase. Include the author’s last name in the introduction to the quotation or paraphrase or in parentheses at the end. Include the page number in the parentheses (if a page number is available). See the PowerPoints for quoting and paraphrasing for examples of basic in-text citation. Now for some special cases. . . .
Multiple Authors Two authors: Cite both. One article notes that wayfinding is often overlooked in designing educational institutions (Gunderson and Schmidt 231). Gunderson and Schmidt note that wayfinding is often overlooked in designing educational institutions (231).
Three authors: Cite all three. Another source states that this oversight has become “the focus of numerous multidisciplinary studies” (Terazzo, Lewis, and Iwakura 42). Terazzo, Lewis, and Iwakura state that this oversight has become “the focus of numerous multidisciplinary studies” (42).
More than three authors: Cite the first and et al. Evidence from one of these studies suggests awareness of wayfinding needs is growing, but actual change is lagging far behind (Bartulis et al. 160). Evidence from Bartulis et al. suggests awareness of wayfinding needs is growing, but actual change is lagging far behind (160).
No Author and/or No Page # Typically, use an organization or company name in place of an author. Beware of truly anonymous sources. If there is no page number, simply omit it.
Examples: Quotation The Society for Experiential Graphic Design states that “Wayfinding may not always be considered sexy, but it has evolved into a highly integrated, user-focused, and increasingly technology-driven discipline with huge social and economic implications for cities, hospitals, and other public spaces.” According to one professional organization, “Wayfinding may not always be considered sexy, but it has evolved into a highly integrated, user-focused, and increasingly technology-driven discipline with huge social and economic implications for cities, hospitals, and other public spaces” (Society for Experiential Graphic Design).
Examples: Paraphrase As the Society for Experiential Graphic Design points out, if wayfinding is doing its job, no one even notices it. According to one professional organization, if wayfinding is doing its job, no one even notices it (Society for Experiential Graphic Design).
Block Quotations More than 4 lines in your essay Full-sentence introduction, generally followed by a colon Indent one inch (or two tabs) Omit quotation marks. Include author and page number. Put the period before the parentheses.
Example The Society for Experiential Graphic Design powerfully points out the vital role and evolving nature of wayfinding: It’s the ultimate unsung hero of public spaces: when it works, you never know it’s there. Wayfinding may not always be considered sexy, but it has evolved into a highly integrated, user-focused, and increasingly technology-driven discipline with huge social and economic implications for cities, hospitals, and other public spaces. (11) These concepts must drive IVCC’s efforts to improve wayfinding for students and visitors to its main campus.
Indirect Quotations Using a quotation already cited in your source. Your source is written by Johnson. Johnson quotes Suarez. You quote Suarez in your essay. Give both authors credit. According to Suarez, “The quotation you are borrowing would go here, between the quotation marks” (qtd. in Johnson 57).