Biographical Information and Introduction Jose Borrajero Biographical Information and Introduction
Party Leadership: Precinct Committeeman since 1993. District Secretary for 8 years. LD15 1st Vice Chairman for 2 years. County party 2nd Vice Chairman for 2 years. Delegate to the 2012 GOP National Convention. Currently AZGOP CD6 Member at Large.
Media Activity: Univision, Telemundo and other Spanish language media: Frequent commentator on the evening news, and several feature interviews, covering a wide range of subjects, such as key races, ballot propositions, state of the union addresses, presidential debates, etc. The only PC in Maricopa County consistently appearing in front of TV cameras, delivering to Hispanics, in their native language, the conservative Republican point of view. PBS: Media activity not limited to Spanish. Full length features in both Arizona Week and Arizona Illustrated. Numerous radio appearances throughout Arizona. USA Today: AZ delegate to USA Today’s Trump Nation.
Activism: • Founder and current head of a statewide network of precinct committeemen and other concerned citizens whose goal is to observe closely, and report on, the activity of the state legislature; and to encourage grassroots input regarding how to vote on key issues. • Frequent speaker at LD and conservative group meetings on the subject of how to be an effective participant in the legislative process.