Staffing Timetables Rules & Expectations Help (us, you, the children) Revision Guides Interventions Further Meetings Questions
Staffing Miss Sayer – Teacher Mrs Glenister – Class Teaching Assistant Mr Cooper– Targeted Support TA (Daily) Mrs North – Learning Support Assistant
Timetable Weekly Daily RE English PE Maths Computing Quick Maths IPC French/Music Science PSHCE Daily English Maths Quick Maths Grammar/Spelling Reading Story Assembly
Rules & Expectations Best Effort Best Behaviour Best Presentation
Reading Helpers Needed Uniform Behaviour Punctuality Equipment English – Reading & Spelling Maths – Times tables, Arithmetic, My Maths Homework – spelling, topic, random Reading Helpers Needed
Interventions Lexia CGP Spelling Reading Arithmetic Bespoke Writing Fix it time!
Key Year 6 Skills – Writing Write a range of text types. Write narratives with character, atmosphere and setting descriptions. Use dialogue correctly. Use correct vocabulary and grammar to match the text type. Use: conjunctions, adverbials, synonyms in writing. Use correct verbs tenses. Use a full range of punctuation. Spell most words on the year 5/6 NC list. Join handwriting.
Revision Guides Coming Soon Autumn 2
Testing Regular ½ termly tests. Children involved in marking own papers. Children take ownership of their scores. Children track their progress. Progress is celebrated over achievement. Later in the year, are made aware of how scores relate to levels. (6W+) Readers and prompters are trialled throughout the year. Adapted testing used to suite the needs of each child.
Bradwell Meeting – Today! & July Future Dates SATs Week – 13th May Bradwell – 15th July Bradwell Meeting – Today! & July Class Assembly – Thursday 11th October
Ambassadors Sitting on a bench Ambassadors Sitting on a bench! Team Captains School Trips Sports Day District Sports Carol Concert Harvest Festival Assemblies Bradwell Leaver’s Trip Random Fun! Transition