Welcome to Cathedral Academy Induction evening for September 2018 intake
Your Journey The journey Age 18 Age 16-18 Age 14-16 Age 11-13 Age 10 Primary Secondary
Christian values Responsibility Empathy Honesty Respect Daily collective worship
Curriculum Students study several different subjects Maths English Science History Geography French RS Art ICT Technology PE Music - Dance - Drama
The School Day School and lessons start at 8:30am: This requires students to be outside the classrooms at 8:30am. School finishes at 2:40pm. If a student arrives after 8.30 they get a late mark. A late to school mark results in a 30 minute late detention after school. Any more late marks within this week will result in an extra detention for each one. Three late to lesson marks in a week also results in a late detention and any more late marks within that week results in an extra detention for each one. Please note: We have a barrier that is only accessible to staff at peak times, so if you will be dropping off/picking up a student at the academy, please arrange a drop off/pick up point close-by but off site.
Break and lunchtime School uses a cashless system for students to buy lunch. This means students can come in to school and put money on their account using a fingerprint system. Students buy their food “using their fingerprint”. Parents can add money to the system using the internet and Parent Pay. You will get more details of this later. If you ever wish to know what your child has been eating – we can print a record of it!
What you need to provide We expect our students to be Ready to Learn in every lesson. When a register is taken at the start of every lesson students reply with ‘Ready’ if they are fully equipped and ‘Present’ if they are missing the required equipment for that lesson. Missing equipment regularly can incur behaviour points Daily equipment expectations: Bag Pens/Pencils/Ruler Ingredients for Food Technology when required PE Kit / Dance on days when they have PE / Dance Black PE top, black shorts, black sports socks Black track suit for cold weather Trainers
Planners Every student is given a planner for the year on the first day in September. Planners are needed every day and homework is recorded in them. Used as a link between Form Tutors and parents/carers. Must be signed each week by Form Tutors and parents/carers. Lost/damaged planners must be replaced (£5).
Homework All subjects will set homework on a regular basis. Students will record this in the student planner. If students do not complete their homework, their class teacher will issue them with a detention either at break, lunch or after school.
Uniform Cathedral Academy logo clothing is available from Rawcliffe’s ACCEPTABLE NOT ACCEPTABLE Black school trousers X Jeans (including black jeans) Plain black skirt of appropriate length, worn with black tights Cargo pants/combat trousers/fashion trousers White shirt Tracksuit bottoms Black blazer with academy logo Culottes/shorts/leggings Grey school jumper with academy logo (optional) Trainers Plain black shoes Fashion boots Blue tie Plimsolls Sandals Caps Fashion Belts Tube skirts Cathedral Academy logo clothing is available from Rawcliffe’s The following items may be worn to and from school but may not be worn in school: Scarves, Hats, Hoodies, Coats or Tracksuit tops.
Jewellery, nails and hair Acceptable: One small stud in each ear Wrist watch No make up Natural hair colours No nail varnish Not acceptable: Dangly earrings, ear bars, stretchers, spikes etc. Facial piercings Any other jewellery Extreme make up Extreme hair styles/colours Coloured nail varnish, acrylics, etc.
Absence / illness Please call the attendance team at school first thing in the morning if your child is going to be absent due to illness. All absences from school must be covered by a letter on return to school, or by a telephone call on the first day of absence. 01924 330640 (Option 1) As a safeguarding measure, we do contact parents on the first day of any absence to confirm that the absence is genuine. We feel that this is an important service as it alerts parents to any absences or lateness that they may be unaware of.
Attendance To ensure that your child reaches their full potential and achieves the qualifications they are capable of, we set 95% as being an minimum acceptable attendance figure. The school’s Educational Welfare Officer will communicate with parents where attendance may become a concern and work with the family to avoid prosecution where possible. Holidays in term time will not be approved.
Keeping you informed We communicate regularly with parents through: Parents’ Evenings Letters The school website / Twitter Reports Newsletters Home School Agreement If you need to speak to a member of staff outside these times please phone school to arrange a time for staff to call you back or set up a meeting.
Optional breakfast club from 8am. First day back Tuesday 4th September Optional breakfast club from 8am. 8.30am start Student entrance