Research Areas and interests Harper Adams University - A specialist agri-food and supply chain university Research Areas and interests Food supply, availability, security, and sustainability Human nutrition and health Food acceptability and Consumer behaviour Food safety and traceability On farm detection of food borne pathogens Urban agriculture, The production of Novel foods and factors affecting consumer choice Precision Farming Soil and water management Business governance, economics, horizontal and vertical collaboration Animal nutrition Renewable energy sources Led based greenhouse systems Water-food- energy nexus Rural development Women entrepreneur and entrepreneurship 180 staff teaching & research Extensive publishing in international peer-reviewed journals 70+ PhD students Established 1901. Presented by Dr Jane Eastham
Holistic approach to Agriculture, Food and Nutrition research acceptability Market structures Novel foods Supply & Market access Determinants Of consumer choice Supply & marketing channels On-farm detection of foodborne pathogens Collaboration Food safety And traceability Diet, nutrition and health Entrepreneurs/ship Animal health & welfare Requires strong interactions between disciplines such as biological, nutritional, health and medical sciences, food production and supply systems, the social sciences, as well as a greater understanding of relevant historical and cultural factors. Soil and water Nutrients/ contaminants Renewable energy sources Food production systems- on & off farm Urban agriculture, Food availability Precision Farming Water-food- energy nexus
horticultural crop production along the length of the supply chain For more research projects see: For further information contact: Professor Peter Kettlewell Research Co-ordinator Infield variability Abiotic Stress Crop Lighting Establishment Food Safety In-field Variability Pathology Postharvest Quality