e-CODEX e-CODEX is a large-scale EU e-Justice pilot Making cross-border judicial processes easier through standards and solutions http://www.e-codex.eu Technically it is an e-Delivery and semantics project Members that decide to participate in a pilot set up the designated e-CODEX e-Delivery infrastructure (connector & Domibus Gateway, using the AS4 standard) and modify their existing judicial content management systems to handle the e-CODEX standard or build new systems that conform to the e-CODEX standard
e-CODEX Central Testing Platform (CTP) A tool to help member states setup and test their e-CODEX infrastructure and use cases Helps reduce resources needed for pilot implementation by automating specific testing procedures. Helps achieve and ensure correct implementation of national e-CODEX infrastructure (Gateway, Connector) e-CODEX use cases Also serves as: An overview of installed e-CODEX infrastructure & use case schemas per Member State A repository of helpful material related to testing A central, scalable solution that helps save valuable time & resources A Web Interface that connects to the CTP e-CODEX Gateway, and acts as a “member state”, able to receive and send messages, view Gateway Logs and reports
e-CODEX Central Testing Platform (CTP) e-CODEX members sign up for an account and are able to: Test national e-CODEX infrastructure against the CTP reference implementation gateway “Connectivity check” Sending/Receiving GW-TEST messages Test their e-CODEX use cases Sending/receiving e-CODEX use-case Messages Custom content or using pre-defined samples for each e-CODEX use-case (e.g. EPO, Small Claims, MLA)
e-CODEX Central Testing Platform (CTP)
More Information The e-CODEX CTP is developed and maintained by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in close collaboration with e-CODEX WP3 & WP5 More information about the CTP and its functions can be found on the CTP documentation You may contact the CTP administrator at ecodex-ctp@auth.gr to request this documentation as well as access to the CTP Please include your name, affiliated institution & role