Who is harmed when a Christian does not attend the worship services of the church? Hebrews 10:19-25
God is to be Worshiped (John 4:24) With reverence, Psalm 89:7 With praise, Psalm 107:32 With my whole heart, Psalm 111:1 With pure lives, Isaiah 1:10-13 (Matthew 15:7-9) With a desire for spiritual growth, Acts 11:26
The Absent Christian is Harmed Drifting, Hebrews 2:1-3 Source of spiritual food, 1 Cor. 14:26 Spiritual neglect leads to ruin, Heb. 10:36-39 Heart hardens against worship, Psalm 95:6-11 (Heb. 3:12-15) Lost in the sin of willful neglect, James 4:17; Heb. 2:3; 3:14; 4:11; 10:26-29
Other Christians are Harmed Others are influenced when they see your casual view toward attending worship services, Hebrews 10:22-25 If your presence stirs up love and good works, what does habitual absence stir up? Stumbling block, Matthew 18:6-7 An empty seat means someone is not present to encourage those who are present, Ephesians 4:16; 5:19
Other Christians are Harmed The church has one whose habitual absence sends a message that worship is secondary, and not worshiping is inconsequential to spiritual well-being, Acts 2:42 Every worship assembly is approved by God, directed by our elders as needful for our spiritual benefit, 1 Corinthians 14:23, 26; Hebrews 13:7, 17
The World is Harmed A light for the world is not shining, Matthew 5:14-16 The world has gained a friend, 1 John 2:15-17 (Jas. 4:4); John 15:14 The world is given an opportunity to speak against Christ, Titus 2:6-8 Harms the world Harms the church Emboldens the world
Who is Harmed? The non-attendee is harmed The church is harmed The lost are emboldened We affect others, Romans 14:7 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, Matthew 6:33