Reducing Fractions
Reducing Fractions Fractions are not considered to be in simplest form unless they are reduced. Reducing means that the numerator (top) and denominator (bottom) have no common factors. For example: In this case, both top and bottom could be divided by 2 to make the numbers smaller.
Chop, chop, chop What if you’re not sure what number would go into both? One approach is to just start chopping away:
Factor Trees What if you’re not sure what number would go into both? Another approach is to use a factor tree:
Factor 160 What if you’re not sure what number would go into both? Another approach is to use a factor tree:
Cancel What if you’re not sure what number would go into both? Now put the factors back in the fraction and cancel
Calculator If you have a calculator with a fraction key it will do it for you!
Reducing Fractions Fractions are not in simplest form until you have eliminated all of the common factors in the numerator and the denominator.