Patient Lists Presented by Ambulatory and Physician Informatics, June 2018
Course Contents Lesson 1 Introduction to Patient Lists Lesson 2: Components of Patient Lists Lesson 3: Building Location Patient Lists Lesson 4: Building Custom Patient Lists Lesson 5: Applying Filters to Patient Lists Lesson 6: Customizing Columns in Patient Lists Lesson 7: Maintaining Patient Lists Lesson 8: Granting Patient List (Proxy) Access Lesson 9: Troubleshooting Common Errors in Patient Lists
Lesson 1: Introduction to Patient Lists In this lesson you will learn: Information related to access, security, and Patient Lists.
What you will learn Welcome to the eKiDs Patient Lists Tutorial. This tutorial will give you general knowledge and an understanding of how to view and create Patient Lists in an Ambulatory setting.
Navigation There are several ways to navigate through the content of the tutorial. A few methods include: Click on left mouse button to proceed to the next slide. Right click on the current slide and choose ‘Reverse’ to go to the previous slide. Use the browser's back and forward buttons.
Strategies for Success Allow yourself at least one hour to complete this tutorial. Have a hard-copy (printed copy) of the Ambulatory Patient Lists as a reference guide. Move around in this tutorial as needed – feel free to move backward in the presentation if there is a slide that you need to review. Remember, before you will be allowed to access eKiDs PowerChart, you must: Sign the Information Services’ Systems Access and Confidentiality Acknowledgement.
Security & Password Considerations Never write your password down. Choose a password you can memorize. If you forget your password, call the IS help desk at 668-7075 to have your password reset. Login immediately after it has been reset and change your password. Never share your password with anyone!
Accessing PowerChart via Zero Client If you have access to a Zero Client, you will be able to login to PowerChart simply by clicking the PowerChart icon. Patient Lists The PowerChart login screen will appear, without the need to login to Citrix.
Accessing PowerChart via Citrix As necessary, you may also need to access PowerChart via Citrix. To access eKiDs PowerChart via Citrix, you must first log in to the Citrix Web Interface. You can access the Citrix Web Interface: On KDnet, under Popular Links, select Citrix Web Access. 9
Accessing PowerChart via Citrix After you have logged into Citrix, all applications for which you have access will display. Select PowerChart and log in using your username and password. doeja ************ 10 10
When you are ready to continue your training, go to Lesson 2. End of Lesson One When you are ready to continue your training, go to Lesson 2.