E Group of ILTD Employees AP ITC LTD.,ILTD&GLT PLANT EMPL.UNION Affiliated to INTUC, INDIA Duration: 6 Months
Background &Justification 2500 Workers in ILTD are being exploited by management as they have no exposure to global trade union movement Though they have CBA, workers roll in that is very nominal Young workers at age group 19-35 are about 50% of total workers It is necessary to bring them to the global trade union platform
TARGET GROUP &PARTIES INVOLVED Target Group: Young workers of ILTD Employees Target No: 100(60Chirala+40Anaparthi) Target Area: Chirala &Anaparthi Parties Involved: CBWE for funding ILTD Management for providing systems Youth committee and general Secretary of Union for implementation
OBJECTIVES Long term objective: Formation of E group of A.P.ITCLtd.,ILTD & GLT PLANT EMPLOYEES UNION which has better exposure and knowledge of ILS such as collective bargaining and having own Blog and become the members of solicomm.net Immediate Objective: Each member of E group will have basic knowledge of computer and have own Email id and can use computer for day to day union activities
ACTIVITIES To conduct Branch level workers meetings to identify the young workers and form youth committee Approach CBWE for funding the training Approach Management to provide systems to Union offices Conduct meeting with trainees after each month of training Taking approval of E.C. to create a Blog of union and entrust the responsibilities to youth committee to run the Blog which is meant for education and research activities of union such as ILS and ongoing trade union matters
MONITORING A meeting with the workers who are under training will be conducted at the end of each month to aces their knowledge Necessary suggestions will be given to them according to their performance The same will be reported to CBWE
MAIN INPUTS General Secretary of union will be Executive authority and in charge for this programme Two Computers for each union office will provided by ILTD Management Youth committee will be transformed into E group Funding for this programme will be done by CBWE
INDICATORS OF ACHIEVEMENT Members of E group will have knowledge of usage of computer for day to day union activities E group members will create their own Email id with solicomm.net E group will create union Blog and maintain it with regular updates
Management Risks CBWE may not come forward to finance ILTD Management may deny to provide computers to union office