Preparing for & Responding to Crises & Emergencies Appendix I in your manual (pages 78-85) Rob Purple School Psychologist Minneapolis Public Schools Adapted from Sugai & Colvin August 5, 2013
Example #1 Student runs up to you & says two “big kids” are walking through back playground, & she thinks one of them has gun. 2nd & 3rd grade classes are having recess on playground. What do you do?
Example #2 You are teaching Heloise to write her address & telephone number. As you assist her, she begins to get frustrated & begins biting her hand. You’re attempts to soothe her fail, & she escalates to biting her fingers which begin to bleed and she begins hitting the tabletop with her forehead. What do you do?
Example #3 Two students run into classroom & scream that a strong smell is coming from the gym. They indicate that the smell hurts their eyes & throat & it seems to be spreading through hallways. What do you do?
Example #4 The parent of one of your students is arguing with another parent. Their voices are loud, and students are gathering. One parent pushes the other against a wall, and that parent picks up a trash can and is threatening to throw it. What do you do?
Other Examples Stranger in the building Bomb threat/explosion Student with gun/weapon on campus Serious injury/death Serious fight Drug deal on campus Weapon possession Natural disasters Kidnapping/hostage taking Student/staff/other out- of-control and violent behavior __________________
School-Wide Plans Do they exist? Are they relevant? Efficient? Up-to-date? Where are they located? Are they user-friendly? Are they easily accessible? Are they well-known so that they are useful when the need arises?
Common Errors Staff are not aware of the plan Staff are not familiar enough with the plan to follow it The plan only addresses few scenarios Key roles are not predetermined and leads to confusion Communication is unclear or absent
What would you do first, You are walking down hallway & you hear loud yelling. When you turn the corner you see group of 15 kids around 2 girls who are fighting. The first girl has the other around throat; the second girl has grabbed the first girl’s hair & is punching her in the face. One girl’s nose is bleeding.
Guiding Principles Safety is number one consideration. “Teachable Moments” are secondary Escalations are likely to run their course, & are inversely related to self-control. Planned responses & debriefing are required after crisis/emergency. Pro-social responses must be relevant, effective, efficient, & taught. Practice. Practice. Practice.
Necessary Prerequisites Comprehensive, school-wide PBS system Crisis response team Home-school-community linkage High rates of academic & social success Clear written policy & procedures Regular, supervised opportunities to practice
All-Hazards Approach You can’t plan for everything, so plan for anything 3 Major responses to crisis Lockdown Shelter in place Evacuation Put planning into reunification and recovery too!
Other Provisions to Establish “Safe” areas Clear roles & responsibilities of key personnel Clear “fool proof” communication systems Predictable & reliable for students, staff, & community Means of securing immediate external support Procedures for securing or “locking down” a classroom or school
Other Provisions to Establish Instructions for unique situations Establish procedures for accounting for the whereabouts of all students & staff Procedures for documenting dangerous & potentially dangerous situations
Practice/Professional Development Crisis Plan- visual aid/flow chart Case Studies Role Playing/Table Top Scenario’s Video Lessons Group Discussions ???
Action Planning School Crisis/Emergency Response Checklist Appendix I School Crisis/Emergency Response Action Plan last 3 pages in Appendix I