The Torah “I will increase your numbers very, very much, and I will make you into nations-kings will be your descendants…I will be God to you and your [descendants].”-The Torah Said to Abraham, the Father of the Jewish People Made up of five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
You Are Chosen Covenant-promise made by God Jews are “The Chosen People” Moses-Israelite ruler who lived around 1200 B.C. (approximately) The Ten Commandments were given to Moses
Prophets Prophets: religious teachers who are regarded as speaking for God Told the Jewish people how to live in accordance with God’s law Elijah, Jeremiah, Elisha: heralds of the message
DiASPORA! Diaspora: the scattering of a group of people Jews: Assyrians and Chaldeans, Romans in 135 A.D. Religious tradition/heritage-Passover Kosher: “fit for use”-seafood, scales and fins (codfish not clams); meat Christianity and Islam have roots in Judaism: originated from the same geographical area/monotheism