Irony 3 Kinds of Irony
Irony A Surprise! It is the difference between what we expect to happen, and what actually does happen. It is often used to add suspense and interest. It is also used to keep the reader thinking about the moral of the story. Irony is about expectations. Irony: the opposite of what is expected.
Irony: Purpose It’s funny! It’s unexpected. It sometimes creates suspense. It’s like Cupid never falling in love.
The Big Picture
Verbal Irony A character says one thing but means the opposite. The speaker MUST INTEND for it to be sarcastic! Also called sarcasm or being sarcastic. Examples The locker room smells really good. Awesome! Another homework packet!
Dramatic Irony When the reader understands more about the events of a story than a character. You know something that a character doesn’t. Example Tim’s parents are proud of the “A” he got on the test, but we know he cheated. Alex writes a love poem to Judy but we know that Judy loves Devin.
Situational Irony When what actually happens is the opposite of what is expected. Something about the situation is completely unexpected. Example Miss Arney wins “Scariest Costume” for Halloween….but she didn’t wear a costume. Bill Gates uses an Apple computer.
Which Type of Irony?
Which Type of Irony?
Which Type of Irony?
Applying Irony to Twilight Bella wants to know how Edward tracked her to Port Angeles. He says, “Your scent.” She doesn’t know what to make of that, but the readers knows that he’s telling the truth. ________ Irony: Bella – “How long have you been 17?” Edward – “A while.” Bella learns Edward is a vampire. Instead of being frightened she is intrigued.
A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic Signal Card Review A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic
A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic If you have a phobia of long words, you must tell people that you are Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobic A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic
A rat infestation at the Department of Sanitation A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic
Mother: “I see you ironed your shirt.” Boy: “But I just dug it out of the bottom of the hamper.” A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic
A person Tweets about how Twitter is a waste of time and energy. A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic
A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the audience watches Polonius hide behind a curtain. Hamlet stabs through a curtain thinking his traitorous, murdering uncle Claudius is there, only to learn that he actually stabbed and killed the father of the woman he loves, and a man for whom he had the utmost respect and admiration. A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic
before a tornado rips through your house. You comment on the beautiful weather you’ve been having just five minutes before a tornado rips through your house. A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic
A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic In Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart,” the reader anxiously waits to see if the police realize that they are standing directly above the buried remains of the dismembered body of the old man. A: Situational B: Verbal C: Dramatic
Something that is ironic is unexpected. Review Something that is ironic is unexpected. If unexpected by a character, it’s dramatic. If unexpected by everyone, it’s situational. If it’s sarcasm, it’s verbal.