Young Amir By Megan & Johnny.
Summary Of Amir Amir The narrator and protagonist; a Pashtun and Sunni Muslim. Although not a completely sympathetic character, Amir is one for whom most readers feel compassion. Amir has conflicted feelings about his father, Baba, and his playmate, Hassan. Often, Amir is jealous of the way Baba treats Hassan, although Amir realizes that Hassan socially has a lower place in society. A conflicted character, Amir struggles between the logical and emotional sides of his being.
Amir’s Childhood Kabul – Amir was said to have been born in Kabul in 1963 at a time when it was first beginning to westernise. The economy was beginning to pick up and Afghanistan was it’s own country before the Soviets entered. Baba – Baba is known as one of Kabul’s main socialites, he is a man of wealth and enjoys nothing more than using it to help other people. He appears to be a kind and loving man however Amir as a child feels something missing between them. Baba blames Amir for the death of his mother. Hassan - a childhood friend of Amir, although Amir never explicitly admitted to this. He shows an undoubted devotion to Amir despite the lack of loyalty Amir shows him in return. Although he is not as well off as Amir it is easy to see who out of the two is genuinely happy.
Personality Amir is disloyal. He has a chance to defend Hassan more than once when Assef sets in but rather stands and does nothing. Amir also uses Hassan, whenever Amir has no-one to play with, he plays with Hassan but when Amir’s friends come to his house he leaves Hassan out. Amir almost seems embarrassed to have a Hazara as a friend and would not want his other friends to know he plays with Hassan a lot. The best evidence to support this would be right before Hassan is raped a stall owner asks what exactly Hassan is to Amir and Amir’s reply is entirely contrasting with his previous behaviour. “He’s our servants son” This shows he is embarrassed to admit Hassan as he refers to him as his ‘servants son’, rather than his friend.
The End The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini First published By Bloomsbury in 2003 Copyright © 2003 By Khaled Hosseini