Sharks have spare teeth that move to the front of their mouths to replace a front tooth that falls out.
Great white sharks have to eat every hour.
False – Great white sharks may go up to three months without eating anything substantial.
White sharks can swim over 40 miles an hour for short distances.
For the first three months of their lives, baby sharks stay close to their mothers.
False – Baby sharks leave their mothers as soon as they are born.
More people are killed each year by deer than by sharks.
White sharks will not eat a seal otter.
True – Sea otters are related to the skunk and sharks do not like the way they taste.
A surfer riding a long, thin surfboard is less likely to be attacked by a shark than a surfer riding a shorter, wider board.
True – Shark attacks on surfers increased in 1972 after a shorter surfboard was introduced on the market.
Female sharks generally give birth to only one shark per year.
False – Sharks may give birth to as many as fourteen babies at a time.