Horst Monken-Fernandes Waste Technology Section NEFW Review of IAEA Activities Related to Environmental Remediation and Their Relevance to ENVIRONET Plenary Meeting of Environet 05 – 07 November 2017 Horst Monken-Fernandes Waste Technology Section NEFW This is a topic that has become of extreme relevance and interest to MS’s. The idea of this presentation, that can not be extensive due to time limitations, is just to give a favour of how WTS is responding to this demand that was also highlighted in the Madrid Conference last year. Will not go through all the slides, but they can be used as a reference for further discussions.
Remediation deals with ER applies to a series of situations (the so called existing exposure situations) that include: Remediation of contaminated areas after a Nuclear or Radiological Accident’ Test Sites Legacy Sites (those that operated without a regulatory framework and led to the contamination of land that impose present or potential radiological risks to members of the public). These include: Sites affected by NORM industries Uranium Mining and Milling operations Former Nuclear Sites (related to nuclear fuel cycle operations, military operations, research operations)
Vision Member States will Eventually Have in Place a Proper Infrastructure and Technologies for Managing their Radioactive Legacies and Resolve all Related Issues in a Timely, Safe and Cost- Effective Manner while Avoiding the Creation of New Legacy Sites
ER in WTS ER activities within WTS took the form of a “thematic approach” focusing on a series of structuring activities Activities related to NORM have been focused on Waste/Residue Management and site remediation. In terms of RB activities devoted to the production of NE-Series Reports and TECDOCS the adopted approach embraced three major areas: Overarching; Supporting; and Implementation
Report Production Overarching Supporting Implementation Policy and Strategy Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Cost Estimate Environmental Remediation in a Life Cycle Perspsctive Determination of Site End-State Funding and Finacning ER Projects Mathematical Modeeling Engineered Barriers Technics and Technologies in ER after Accident Integrating Decommissioning and Enviromental Remediation Mobile Unit for Site Characterization Decommissioning of the ChNPP Cooling Pond Remediation of Groundwater Lessons Learned with ER NORM Residue Management Overarching Supporting Implementation
Networking (1/2) The operation of the network Environet – that in the beginning was concentrated in organising meetings (workshops and training events) - has evolved; Changes reflect the need manifested from the Ms’s to address their challenges in a more practical way. DERES Project LeTrench Project (in cooperation with Disposal Unit, Diponet?) NORM-Project CIDER
Future Scenarios Remediation in the USA Remediation within the Russian Federation Remediation in Ukraine will continue to be a challenge. Possible developments of remediation activities in Central Asia Remediation in Asia, Remediation Post –Accident (Fukushima, Chernobyl)) Uranium Mining Areas Environmental aspects in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities NORM Sites
Road Map Continue working in a thematic approach to Enhance and consolidate partnerships internally and externally Pursue a more consistent articulation between ER and Decommissioning Implement a series of structured activities focused on enhancing capacity building activities Enhance the engagement of WTS in the development of tools to be used in the planning and decision making concerning remediation of sites affected by nuclear/radiological accidents. Articulation with TC Departments focusing on delivering targeted assistance to MS’s on elements that constrain the implementation of ER projects Migrate from a reactive perspective of ER to a more pro-active one eventually assuming the form of environmental management instead of environmental remediation.
Thank you! Thank you!