LECTURE # 1 Why are these classes important? Who can benefit from this class? What are we going to cover in these classes? Why was Quran revealed in Arabic?
IMPORTANCE The best amongst all of us is that person who learns and then teaches the Holy Quran. This includes the understanding of the Holy Quran as well. This will hopefully inspire many to pursue further study into various aspects of the Holy Quran. Huzoor e Anwar (a.b.a) has advised us to have Quran Classes.
WHO CAN BENEFIT? Everyone who genuinely wants to increase their knowledge and understanding of the Holy Quran and the Arabic language. Everyone who is willing to take proper notes. Everyone who will be regular in attending these classes.
WHAT WILL BE COVERED? 1. Those surahs and portions of the Holy Quran will be covered which are often recited in Salaat by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih (a.b.a) including last few chapters. 2. Indepth view of each word, its make up. 3. Tafseer (Commentary of the Holy Quran). Tafseer given by the Holy Prophet (sa). Tafseer given by the Promised Messiah (as) Tafseer given by Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat.
ARABIC LANGUAGE Arabic is the Mother of all the languages. It is the first language and was divinely revealed. Other languages are like children of Arabic language. Arabic is Khaatam-us-Sinn al-A’lameen. Arabic is the measure for the love of Holy Prophet (sa) and the Holy Quran.
6. Hazrat Adam (as) was taught Arabic through revelation in the Garden of Eden (Paradise).
Hazrat Masih Ma’ood (as) was taught 40 THOUSAND Roots of the Holy Quran in a single night.