DEFINATION The phenomenon in which waves of light or other radiation are restricted in direction of vibration is known as polarisation.
CONCEPT OF POLARISATION LIGHT The phenomenon of interference and diffraction shows that light is a form of wave motion. These phenomenon could not explain the types of wave motion i.e. whether the light waves are longitudinal or transverse or whether the vibrations are linear , circular , elliptical or torsional. These shortcomings were explained by phenomenon known as polarisation of light.
WHAT IS PLANE POLARISED LIGHT ? The plane polarised light is the light in which the vibration take place only along one straight line perpendicular to the direction of light.
WHAT IS UNPOLARISED LIGHT ? The unpolarised light is the light in which the vibration takes place along all possible straight lines perpendicular to the direction of propagation of light.
WHAT IS PLANE OF VIBRATION? The plane containing the direction of vibration and direction of propagation of light is called the plane of vibration.
WHAT IS PLANE OF POLARISATION ? The plane containing the direction of propagation of light , but containing no vibrations is called the plane of polarisation.