1 Public Opinion and Issues in Anne Arundel County: Neighborhood Leadership Academy Presentation March 12, 2011 Dan Nataf, PhD Director, Center for the Study of Local Issues Anne Arundel Community College 101 College Parkway Arnold, MD (410) (410) fax www2.aacc.edu/csli
2 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 The Center for the Study of Local Issues: Overview CSLI – Part of Sarbanes Center for Public and Community Service Operating since 1978 Mission: Provide students opportunities for engaged learning, community outreach Main activity: Public interest and client surveys/research each semester
3 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 The Center for the Study of Local Issues: Overview Surveys: Respondents randomly chosen from universe of listed telephone numbers combined with computer generated numbers Typical sample size: respondents; students used as interviewers Topics: Each survey includes demographic and attitude/behavior questions, including such themes as: –Economic conditions –Growth/Development –Transportation –Economic conditions –Education –Tax and spending preferences –Policy preferences Visit CSLIs web site for previous surveys (www2.aacc.edu/csli )
4 LAA Presentation – Feb. 28, 2009 Main Issues for Today –County - Right/Wrong direction –Most important problems –Economic conditions –Perceptions of the future –Budget choices - tax and spending preferences –Current state and county issues –Housing –Crime –Immigration NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Main Issues for Today (or as far as we get!)
Remarkable stability in right/wrong direction… NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 County – Right/Wrong Direction
6 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 County – Most Important Problem Economy still top problem, but mostly unchanged since October 2009
Percentage saying excellent or good economy also stable since March 2009 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 County – Economic Conditions vs. State and USA
8 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Economic Concerns: Perceptions of the Local and National Economies National County Thinking about our county's economy, how would you rate economic conditions in Anne Arundel County today -- excellent, good, only fair, or poor? (Total percentage saying excellent and good) Gallup - USA CSLI - AA County
11 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Economic Concerns by Various Demographic Factors
Economic ConditionThis year Next year Future year Median year N.A. A stabilization of housing values A return to steady growth of the economy A major reduction in the unemployment rate A return to a better balance between revenues and expenditures for state and local government budgets A return to a better balance between revenues and expenditures for the federal governments budget NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Economic Concerns: When will the economy improve? (Fall 2009)
ProposalSpring 2003Fall 2003Spring 2009 Cut programs Increase taxes Other (combination, other suggestion) Dont know24148 Total NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Funding Government – cut programs or cut spending? (Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Spring 2009) The county faces up to a $90 million deficit for the 2011 fiscal year. Which of the following do you think would be the best in dealing with this deficit: Cutting government services, raising taxes, or some of both? Spring 2010 Cutting services 27% Raising taxes 8% Some of both 55%
ServiceReducedKept the sameIncreasedDont know Fire department Police department Public Schools The community college Seniors services Libraries Roads Health Department Social Services Parks and Recreation Environmental Oversight Planning and Zoning As county government prepares for the upcoming 2011 fiscal budget, it will consider how to cut spending. As I mention an area of spending, tell me whether spending should be reduced, kept the same or increased as government seeks to balance its budget. (S09)
15 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Budget Measures: Taxes, Cuts, Spending IssueSupportOpposeUnsure Imposing an additional fine of up to $1500 on drivers caught drunk driving Permitting the use of off-shore wind power near Ocean City8010 Increasing the alcohol tax68293 Permitting the purchase of marijuana for medical purposes65297 Taking away drivers licenses from those who refuse to pay taxes64323 Increasing the use of cameras to ticket those running red lights59414 Making same sex marriages legal in Maryland47467 Making preparations to implement President Obamas health care reform law Limiting the use of binding arbitration when the county negotiates with public safety unions Allowing the children of illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition for college Increasing university tuition to maintain the quality of higher education32662 Reducing the pension and retiree health benefits of state workers28657 Promising state workers no furlough days, and providing them with a $750 bonus Increasing the county income tax to the maximum allowed by law to avoid cuts in essential services Increasing the gasoline tax to bolster the transportation trust fund17803
16 BetterAbout the same WorseUnsure (vol.)/NA Economic conditions Growth and development Access to health care Public schools Health care quality Water quality of the Bay and tributaries Air quality Availability of fresh water Crime Local taxes Thinking about this Countys future, please tell me whether you think the following things will be better, about the same or worse in (F09) NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Future: Better, Same or Worse?
17 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Housing - What is Affordable Housing? (asked Fall 2002) Attribute cited% Purchase price Median: $ ,000 39% A type that is lacking in AA County20% Housing type – apartments, townhouses, section 819% User type – low income, poor9% Other12% Total100% Is the lack of affordable housing in Anne Arundel County a problem? Yes 54% No 34% Dont know 12%
21 One Thing to Most Improve Safety
22 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Immigration Questions – Various (Spring 2008)
23 Do you think that you personally have benefited from the services of illegal immigrants for example in landscaping, construction, restaurants or janitorial services? NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Personally Benefitting from Illegal Immigrants(Spring 2008)
24 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Legal and Illegal Immigrants (Spring 2008)
25 NLA Presentation – March 12, 2011 Stances on Immigration Issues by Political Party (Spring 2008)
26 SupportOpposeUnsure No answer Total Environmental measures meant to restrict development in critical areas? Efforts by police to identify illegal immigrants and refer them to federal immigration services? Increasing impact fees on new construction in our county? Creating or increasing fees to sports leagues that use public parks to cover the maintenance of those parks? Increasing the tax on hotel stays from 7 percent to 10 percent Decreasing the drinking age to A $500 ambulance fee to help pay for county services?